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I wasn't able to sleep again after what happened with Tommy. Techno said that we can revive him but quackity has the revival book, and they haven't seen him in weeks. They don't know where he is, and to make things worse today's what Tommys hotel grand opening.

What could have happened should I got see? Maybe.

I get up from my bed and get dressed I go downstairs and techno is on the couch reading a book. "Good morning" I saw techno looks at me and says "good morning" he gives me a smile and I smile back.

"I'm going to Tommys hotel" I say "are you sure you are ok to go?" I look away from a second and look back at him with a smile "yes I'm" techno puts his hand on my cheek and says "be careful ok?" I give him a nod and he gives me a kiss.

On my way to the hotel I see Ranboo "Hey Ranboo!" The talk guy looks at me with a confused face and then walks towards me "oh hi Y/N" "hi, where are you heading" I ask "to Tommys hotel I wanted to see if the grand opening was still going to happen after, you know after what happened"

"Yeah.. I'm going there to for the Same reason, and how is Michael doing?" "Oh we are doing fine he misses you, you know and techno" I look at Ranboo with a confused face.

"Wait he misses techno? I thought he was scared of him" I asked "yeah has much surprising that sounds he misses him well because he give him a golden apple" I let out a laugh and say.

"I knew it was going to be something like that" after a while me made our way to Tommys hotel.

When we got there it was only me and Ranboo there was only one more person there Jack.

"Hey jack" we both say "oh hello Ranboo, hi Y/N!, I'm glad you guys came for the grand opening!" Jack said exited

"Oh so there was going to be an opening after all" Ranboo said "yeah why wouldn't be it's my hotel after all" after jack said that I look at Ranboo with a confused face he looks back at he with the same confused face.

"I though this was Tommys hotel" I said "oh yeah but he's dead now so it's my hotel now" "wait wait wait a minute, your hotel? How can you clame something so fast after someone died" I said walking towards him.

Before jack could say anything else puffy entered the hotel "jack this is the last time I tell you this is not your hotel this is Tommys hotel he worked really hard in it"

"But he's dead now" jack said with an angry tone "I'm going to ask you to leave" puffy says pretty angry "I'll leave for now but I'll come back and get this hotel" jack said before leaving.

"Welp how have you been Y/N" puffy said with a smile on her face "I have been better I'm going to be honest" "yeah I understand there has been better days"

"I'm gonna go to Tommys house wanna come?" I asked "sure you coming Ranboo?" Ranboo nods and follow us to Tommys house when we got there there was some flowers around his house and some pictures of him.

This made me really sad he was just a child how could someone kill a child puffy said she was one that put a picture of Tommy and the other one was from foolish. I had left a note inside his house I knew he wasn't going to be able to read it.

But I still wanted to leave something there. I said good bye to puffy and Ranboo and made my way to the house I had been holding my tears I didn't want anyone to see me cry.

I pass by the hotel and see someone familiar it was Samnook he was standing outside the hotel. I decided to say hi and ask him why was he there.

"Hey Samnook" "Hello Tommyinnit friend" "hi what are you doing here?" I said with a sad smile "I'm waiting for Tommy to come back" I let tears staring to form "oh well I'm sure he will be back soon, well bye now Sam it was nice to see you"

"Bye Tommyinnit friend be careful out there" I nod and made my way home.




_______________________________AAAAAAAA SO SORRY LATE CHAPTER my internet has been shit and I wasn't able to write the story but I have finish it!

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AAAAAAAA SO SORRY LATE CHAPTER my internet has been shit and I wasn't able to write the story but I have finish it!

I have one thing to ask do you guys wanna have a child or no?

(Disclaimer It's gonna be adopted)



~survivor 2 ~ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora