Chp.17 Let Us Have Fun Together

Start from the beginning

(YN): Oh hey Eri. You like the performance?

Eri: Yeah I do! Everything was crazy and amazing! Even your song, it was awesome too! I enjoy every last of it!

(YN): I'm glad you had a good time Eri.

Izuki: I am too, Eri.

Suddenly, Jiro walked over behind (YN) as (YN) notices her...

(YN): Oh hey Jiro.

Jiro: Hi (YN).

Izuku: Hehe, I'll leave you guys some space, come on you two.

Mirio: Okay, come on Eri.

Eri: Bye (YN)! See you later!

And so, the three left (YN) alone with Jiro, and so the two were starting at each other, as Jiro blushes and (YN) blushes a little too...

Jiro: I wanna did pretty rad. That song you perform, was sweet and great. You totally killed it.

(YN): Hehe what are you been saying? You're the one who killed it at first? So you should be the one getting more credit than me.

Jiro: Hehe, oh stop it.

(YN): No seriously. You did an amazing job on stage. You were awesome.

Jiro was flustered about it...and that she's with (YN)...she can now finally confess her feelings to (YN)...but she doesn't want to, cause she knows that the song he sang for Jiro, has already gave it away, knowing that he likes her, that song wasn't just to perform for her, it was a message...a message of love...

Jiro: H-Hey (YN). That song you sang...not only did you perform it for me, was somehow a message to me...and it sounded always think of me, cared for me and always liked you have...feelings for me??

(YN): *scratches head behind* Hehe, well if you put it that way...I-I guess there's no hiding it and just tell you-

Suddenly, Jiro places her hands on (YN)'s cheeks as she got closer to him..

(YN): J-Jiro...?!

Jiro: No need to say anything. I know what you're gonna say, so I'll give you my response.

Jiro suddenly was getting closer to (YN) soon her lips was about to connect to (YN)'s, and gives a kiss to his lips, soon (YN) was surprised, and yet, he plays along as he then wraps his arm around Jiro, soon Jiro back up from the kiss as she says...

Jiro: (YN), I had feelings for you as well, ever since the day I met you. You were so nice and kind to me, you helped me on everything that I needed, you're always so nice to me, and've always been there for me when I needed you....but...I was scarred to tell you, cause of I do...then...then I get the feeling you won't-

Suddenly, (YN) slowly brushes Jiro's hair with his hand.l and then places his hand on Jiro's chin...

(YN): Don't think about that. I would never reject you knowing that I too had feelings for you as well. Jiro, I always liked you ever since too. You've always inspired me and always there for me as well. And I appreciate everything of what you do for me.

Jiro and (YN) both smile as they place their foreheads towards each other's, and also...Jiro notice the girls aside, smiling and excited to see her and (YN) finally being a thing together...

Tooru: Awww you two!

Mina: You two looks so cute together!

Tsuyu: I agree, Ribbit.

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