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During that night still, it was 11:30pm, and yet...tomorrow is finally the school festival, and yet some have went to sleep and some are still up...

Kaminari: Oh yeah! I stupid excited for tomorrow I don't wanna sleep!

Mineta: Yeah! I can't wait either not I can't sleep! Woo-hop!

Mina: Chill out you two, people are sleeping upstairs you know.

Iida: I just hope the audience will be that enthusiastic.

Jiro: Hehe. It's probably better if we don't think about it too much...but still, being embarrassed, worrying about what others think, that'll kill our vibe, we should focus on entertaining them, that's our goal.

Kaminari: Haha! Yeah says the girl who was super scared to front the band!

Jiro: Shut up will ya? That was a totally different situation.

Izuki: You know, what Jiro said back there was really good advice, more than just a performance.

Aoyama: Oui. When you try to make others feel good, you end up raising your own spirits too.

Izuku: Exactly. O-Oh! Aw man. The rope. It's so frayed.

Aoyama: Oh my. We put it with such abuse during our practice. It's physical proof of our friendship.

Izuku: But it's now dangerous to use. I should have notice it before.

Kaminari: Oh don't worry man! Yaoyorozu will make you guys a new one!

Mina: Hey now, She's in bed already. And please don't treat her like your own personal factory.

Kaminari: ...but people treat me as a phone charger on the regular.

Mineta: That's cause men have no respect.

Jiro: Maybe you can go buy a new one early morning tomorrow before the festival.

Izuku: I would, but then again I have trying with All Might, I still need to control my quirk still. Sorry guys.

(YN): No worries. I can go buy it tomorrow morning. Besides, it'll work out. I perform lastly after Class 1-B's play so Ill have time.

Kaminari: Oh yeah, but then again, Our performance is at 10 tomorrow, and we start off on that time, and yet most places don't open at 8.

(YN): No worries. Theres a hardware store about 15 minutes from UA. And it opens at 8am anyways. So I'll get up at that time and head over.

Kaminari: Sweet then!

Mina: Well alright then. Anyways, we should already get some sleep already for tomorrow big day.

Kirashima: Haha! Yeah! But before we go, how about you night owls make one final promise! To do our best tomorrow! We're gonna pull this off! And rock everyone in UA!

Everyone cheered as they know they will do our best at the festival...and afterwards, they now head back to their dorms for sleep for tomorrow's big, but as everyone did went, (YN) was the last to head over to his dorm and yet to hear Jiro calling him...

Jiro: (Y-YN).

(YN): Oh hey Jiro. What's up?

Jiro: ...I just wanted to say...That I-

(YN): Wait. Before you say anything, I just wanna tell you...that I hope you do your very best at the performance. I'm glad you're going to perform live in front of the others I'm with your awesome instruments and music. You're so cool with it-no wait. You're amazing at it!

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