Chp.5 Meeting Little Eri

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Days have now past still, and yet there's couple more days lefts beofre the UA Festival, before even practicing on singing and dancing, Aizawa then came by and let (YN) and Izuku know that the two have to leave UA and head over to the hospital alongside with Mirio, it'll seem that Eri wanted to meet them three, knowing their the ones who saved her from Overhaul, She's really concern on them as well, knowing this will be her only request since she ever regains unconscious. So, (YN) and Izuku left UA, yet minutes later, they soon arrive alongside with Aizawa and Mirio. And so, the four then walked over down the hallway and soon arrive in Eri's room, soon to see her awake, in the bed...

Izuku/Mirio: Eri!

Eri:'s you three.

Izuku: Sorry we couldn't see you sooner.

Mirio: Yeah, but hey, we're here now! And also, (YN) brought you some yummy snacks on our way here. Hope you're feeling hungry! Say, what's your favorite fruit? Oh wait! Let me guess, peach! Cause your a peach!

Eri: ...Apple.

Mirio: Yeah, that's what I meant. Okay, let's peal this sucker out for you to enjoy it.

Soon Izuku and Mirio were sitting with Eri as the two helped her peak a peach for her to enjoy eat, as for (YN), he was at the back with Aizawa...

(YN): Say, Aizawa?

Aizawa: Hmm?

(YN): I don't wanna be a jerk or anything m, but are you sure it's okay for us to visit her? I mean the doctors told us it'll be more better for her to be quarantined, and kept away from anyone who was involved from the Yakuza incident.

Aizawa: Yeah, I was thinking about that as well, but I was more worried about her powers, so we shouldn't be concern about it. Currently, there's not enough energy left for her to go out of control.

(YN): Hmm.

Soon he goes walking to join Izuku and Mirio with Eri, Eri then was on her knees on the bed...

Eri: This whole time...all I can think about was how much you did for you save me but...I don't know what to call you.

Eri was mentioning (YN) and Izuku...

Eri: I know lemilion's names, but that's it. So, who are you two?

Izuku: Oh! Well, my name is Izuku Midoriya, but my hero name is Deku.

(YN): I'm (YN) (LN), and I'm the black leg hero; Sanji. But you can call me (YN).

Izuku: As for me, you can call me Deku since it's a shorter name. So yeah.

Eri: A-A hero name?

Izuku: It's basically a nick name for short.

Eri: ...So Lemilion..Deku..and Sanji..and then...there was the man wearing glasses...

Mirio: ....

Eri: All of you ended up being hurt cause of me...

Aizawa Mind: From what I can understand, she's racked with guilt, and had been blaming herself for everything that has happened. So we haven't told her about Nighteye...

Eri: It's all my fault...all the terrible stuff that happen was cause of me...I'm so sorry...

Aizawa Mind: It's too cruel to tell her...but she'll find out very sooner.

Eri: I know lost your power cause you were protecting me, Lemilion...

Eri began to feel emotionally guilt and cry knowing that everything that happened on the Yakuza incident was her faul, blaming herself for everything...and especially Losing Mirio's quirk...but Mirio doesn't blame her, he yet smiles at her, pats her head and says to her...

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