Chp.18 Epilogue

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A day has already passed after the festival, it turn out perfect for everyone, especially Eri, she had a ton of fun yesterday at the festival, everyone did...and that's not all, (YN) and Jiro were finally together, and yet as well, them two had fun yesterday at the festival. So, it was Sunday in the afternoon, 3pm, (YN) lives in a house with his father (Let's name him Zeff), and his mother sadly died due of being in an accident in a hero mission, one day, (YN) was in his room as he was on his video game console, playing My Hero Justice 2 while his father was in the living room watching TV...soon, (YN) heard his cellphone ringing, he went and noticed Jiro calling him, he answers the phone...

(YN): Hello.

Jiro: Hey babe. How are you?

(YN): Hey love. I'm doing good. Just in my room playing video games. And you?

Jiro: That's cool. I'm home as well, playing some instruments.

(YN): Sweet.

Jiro: Hey...yesterday was fun.

(YN): It was, couldn't stop thinking about the two of us having fun together and spending time.

Jiro: I know...and also, I consult stop thinking about you as well.

(YN): Hehe, that's cute.

On Jiro's perspective, She started to place her hand onto her chest, as she wanted to spend more time with she says..

Jiro: Hey, (YN)?

(YN): Wassup?

Jiro: What are you going to do later on?

(YN): Meh, in my house I guess, got nothing else to do. Why?

Jiro: Well, I was wondering if you wanna come over to my house...and we can hang out together?

(YN): W-Wait?! Come over to your house and hang out??

Jiro: Yeah, we can watch a movie, listen to music or whatever so we can vibe that a problem?

(YN): N-No! No No, not at all. I would love to hang out at your's just that...does your parents know-

Jiro: Hehe. Don't worry. I've told them about you yesterday when I came home from UA. And yet, they wanna meet you already, I know it's kinda a rush, but it's cool, no?

(YN): O-Oh. I mean...Yeah, sure. I'm cool to meet your parents already hehe, and I'm totally down to hang out with you...cause I wanna spend more time with you a lot.

Jiro: Awww, me too. Well it's settled then, come over at 6pm?

(YN): Sounds good to me.

Jiro: Cool. Well, see you later then, love you.

(YN): Love you too. Bye.

(YN) Hangs up as he then falls behind towards his bed...

(YN): *Sighs* I'm just hoping her parents like me...


3 hours have pass, and (YN) was already getting ready to head over to Jiro's house, after he was done finishing up, he yet exits his room and walks down the living room to find his father in the living room watching TV...

(YN): Dad.

Zeff: Oh hey champ. Well now, aren't you looking good. Where you off to?

(YN): Well, I came to ask you about that. Jiro called me and wanted me to go hang out at her place.

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