|F!ck it| Chapter 56 (FINALE)

Start from the beginning

--"I take you to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Vatican City smiled and looked at the crowd.

--"They have declared their consent before the Church. The couples can now kiss." He nodded and the music started playing.

The countries kissed, making their love true. Just like that...magic was made. Nobody knows if it were good or bad magic. The bells started ringing and everyone clapped and cheered. Flowers fell everywhere.

After that lovely moment, everyone partied like there was no tomorrow. Long story short, the couples were satisfied with each other for now.

A few weeks after the wedding, America had a meeting with UN. He (UN) explained to America that California AND Texas must be given to Mexico at once. They will stay under his guard forever unless something happens, if something does happen, the two will be returned to America. America didn't like how UN explained it. It sounded like both Texas and California were items. After that, he went home and explained to all of the states and such about what was going to happen to the two. Nobody was happy.

States clung onto California and Texas, even some older ones, begging them to stay.

--"Texas!! CALIII!!" Arizona and New Mexico said, pleading.

They were one of the states that were obviously gonna miss Texas and California. The other states were Nevada, Colorado and Utah. All of them were crying. California was being comforted by Texas as they didn't want to leave. Texas sort of wanted to leave...he and America's relationship was starting to get a bit rough. He didn't want it to get worse so he was sort of glad they were leaving. Texas also didn't really like Mexico. These months were starting to get to their relationships. California sniffed and wiped their tears away.

--"Do we have to leave?!" California said, choking up, as they looked over at America.

America sadly nodded and was frowning. He was wearing his signature sunglasses because he was crying. He then walked to the trunk and closed it.

--"Get into the car please..I got to talk you two over there. Kids, off of him now please." America wiped his tears away.

The kids stayed attached to Texas and California. The eldest states sighed and had to drag the states away from California and Texas. The two looked at eachother, both unsure on how to feel on all of this. After everything that has happened...they didn't know how to feel on everything. Texas held California's hand and California looked down at their hands.

--"Are you ready to...start a new chapter?" Texas said, a bit worried.

He gave a tiny smile and California nodded. Texas knew they were lying but they took it anyways. The two looked at all the states and waved at them.

--"Everyone get over here!! It's time for our final reading." The two states said.

Some states were confused. What did they mean by that?! None of them read a book in front of them recently.

--"We didn't read anything?!" Montana shouted.

The two looked at eachother and giggled. All of the states rushed over and started speaking at once, handing all of them gifts.

North and South Dakota gave them both a toy car.
Vermont gave them a seeds for brown roses.
New Hampshire gave them a shirt that they could wear together.
Oklahoma gave them bracelets decorated with leaf accessories.
West Virginia gave them a bouquet of special tulips.
Rhode Island gave them sweaters they made themselves.
Delaware gave them hair clips since they both had a bunch of hair.
Nebraska gave them a air purifier since California had asthma.
Idaho gave them a sack of potatoes because what else can they give them? A kiss?
Wyoming gave them some food for the trip.
Kansas gave them some bread since they like baking.
Arkansas gave them a diamond necklaces.
Iowa gave them piggy banks they made themselves.
Kentucky gave them horse toys.
Nevada gave them silver earrings.
South Carolina gave them a picture of a place in their state.
New Mexico gave them a dream catcher.
Louisiana gave them discs and cds that play jazz music he plays himself.
Mississippi gave them a pet fish, a very special pet fish.
Missouri gave them a cookbook on how to grill.
Connecticut gave them a few books.
Wisconsin gave them a gallon of milk because supposedly, they produce the most milk.
Montana gave them very expensive jewelry.
Maine gave them blueberries.
Utah gave them a bible.
Alabama gave them a pack of sweet tea.
Maryland gave them a blanket.
Tennessee gave them a guitar.
Oregon gave them a small toy of a covered wagon.
Minnesota gave them a painting of lakes and forests.
New York gave them newspapers and pictures of many things.
North Carolina gave them a toy that was a lighthouse.
Illinois gave them fluffy hats.
Indiana gave them a basketball.
Michigan gave them pictures of lakes.
Ohio gave them gifts from museums.
Colorado gave them some poofy sweaters.
Washington gave them a picture of George Washington because he loves him so much.
Pennsylvania gave them scrunchies because they were in a rush.
Arizona gave them a tiny cactus.
Massachusetts gave them a book for smart people.
New Jersey gave them a gift from Newark.
Virginia gave them an old historical item.
Alaska argued with Texas at first but then eventually gave both him and California a fishing net.
Florida gave them a seed so they can grow a orange tree.
Hawaii gave them flower crowns, obviously real flowers.
Arizona gave them a rock that will eventually break.

Now the car was completely full. Nothing fit. California and Texas waved one final goodbye to the states and then squeezed into the car. The states started crying because they were gonna miss them. America sighed and got into the car. He turned it on and looked at the two in the back. He could see the two talking. He smiled a bit and started driving away. A new chapter was starting. A new life. A new story. A new...future.

Is this working?

Can you read this?

Oh good. You're here. You can see me, right? Hah. Stupid idiots thought they could keep me out. Losers. I'm glad you Can read this. Now you can know my true plan. Forget everyone else. They don't matter anymore. America will be destroyed. I'm always one step ahead. Come look into my pl—-

"Sir?" I heard the tiny voice behind me.

I turned around to see Hawaii standing there. I huffed and crossed my arms. They walked over and apologized.

-"Sorry...I didn't mean to do so. What are you doing?" Hawaii asked me curiously.

She looked over at you. She seemed a bit confused. I snapped my fingers.

-"Hey! Don't forget what the plan is." I said, reminding her, her purpose.
-"Of course- destroy America. We hate him." She said.

I laughed a bit. I turned back to you. I could hear Hawaii's little footsteps slowly fading away.

Hawaii sighed and went out to the white balcony. She opened the doors and the light midnight blue sky shined on her. Her red eyes shined. She inhaled the warm air. Hawaii took a step outside and the wind made her hair flow beautifully. It felt nice. She looked down to see all the people. The city was so bright. She never liked the city so she never went out. Hawaii wasn't allowed to go out anyways. She didn't have a choice. Hawaii rested her arms on the balcony edges. She was thinking of something. This whole operation...why was it..so familiar? She heard that name before. America. She felt safe hearing that. But he's the enemy! A shock hit her spine. She snapped back to her senses. She shook her head and sighed.

-"Why am I thinking this?! He's the enemy!! He's evil!!" She shouted.

Hawaii hated America. It felt wrong though...why?

-"Why is his name so familiar..? I feel like I know him.."



Hawaii sighed and walked back in. Leaving her thoughts outside and she slammed the door shut. It echoed through the hallways.

This took me almost a month to write and over 2000 words. Hoped y'all enjoyed ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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