✨💕 Painterly Love 💕✨

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Painter! Rantaro au

Rantaro let his brush glide across the canvas in generous yet careful strokes, every single mark he made perfectly precise on the surface of his workspace as the dim fluorescent lights above him shone down on him and his studio.

He had no subject sitting before him like he usually did today - oh no, this was an abstract piece, and all the inspiration he needed was already deeply etched into his mind's eye in striking detail like a mural. 

He didn't need him to be sitting in front of him to remember every small detail of Korekiyo... his sharp yet delicate porcelain-like features... the way his mannerisms always seemed to hold a curt grace about them... and of course his beautiful long hair, and piercing yellow eyes that could almost make Rantaro melt from the inside out. All of it was there, no need for any refreshers.

The painter leaned back from his canvas a little after a few more minutes of this - holding onto the stool he always sat on while making his works - and studied his progress.

It was a beautiful piece - a delicate and abstract metaphor, accented by things that reminded him of the person he loved, all placed together on the page in a pleasing composition.

As he looked at his work, gazing at the beauty he had created, he began to slowly, slowly come more and more to the realization that he was incredibly tired.

So, so tired. 

Too  tired actually... god how long had he been at his studio for?  He carefully slid his phone out of his pocket and immediately had a mental jolt as he spotted the time on the screen.

3:26am. That... was pretty late. Very late. 

He absently wondered to himself how he hadn't noticed everyone leaving, given the fact he usually left the door open - or at least halfway - but he knew it didn't matter, and he already knew he had a tendency to switch off and get absorbed into his art when he was working - especially when the subject or inspiration captivated him.

"Oh well..." he sighed, getting up and brushing down his brown jeans that had paint splatters speckling them - smudging said paint into them even worse in the process - and took off his painter's apron, which was also speckled with paint.

He cleaned up his paints and equipment - leaving his brushes to soak in water and hanging up his apron before taking one last lingering look around his messy studio and exiting through the door as he donned his worn denim jacket and satchel bag for the walk home.

Rantaro lived a small distance from his studio with Korekiyo - about a 15 minute walk or so, give or take a little depending on the day.

Korekiyo's research would often take him out of town, but sometimes he was able to conduct it from home for a while, and this was one of those blessed periods of time where Rantaro could shower all of the affection he wanted onto his love, yet here he was so engrossed in an artwork merely inspired  by him that he'd forgotten to come home to the real thing... It was typical Amami fashion in all honesty, but he hurried home and made the 15 minute walk into 10 nonetheless.

He unlocked the door and tried not to make a lot of noise as he did so - he assumed that Korekiyo would be asleep by now and he didn't want to wake him if he was - and he knew how much of a light sleeper he was, so he made as little noise as possible.

He dumped his bag at the bottom of the stairs - kicking off his shoes on the carpet - and padded his way upstairs to their bedroom in his socks. 

He opened the door to their room quietly, expecting to find the room dark, but immediately noticed that wasn't the case as he saw the weak light illuminating the room.

He looked over and noticed Korekiyo reading a thick anthropology book, his hair tied up in a comfortable-looking loose bun and his eyes half-lidded - he looked like he'd been about to fall asleep, however he noticed the door had opened and looked up with mild surprise.

"Hey" Rantaro said sheepishly, unable to stop a grin from spreading across his face as their eyes met. "What're you still doin' up? Research? I thought you'd have gone to sleep by now actually-"

"Waiting for you" Korekiyo replied, cutting him off as he closed the book, marking his place with a finger between the pages. "I was waiting for you to get home, it's quite late - did something keep you at your work?" he asked as Rantaro shed his jacket, which was still cold from the air outside.

"Well-" he replied as he unbuttoned his shirt to slide into some pajamas to sleep in - a loose-fitting white t-shirt and some green shorts with a small pattern on them. The messy-haired artist hesitated as he thought about the painting he'd been working on only half an hour ago or so. "You could say that." he admitted with a mildly embarrassed chuckle. 

"Ah, I see... Oh well then, you're here now, no matter." Korekiyo said, brushing it off and placing his book on the bedside table as Rantaro lay down beside him - planting a kiss on his forehead on the way down.

"Mhm - I am." mumbled Rantaro, his face squished against the pillow now as he looked up at his boyfriend who slid himself down to the same level, so that now they were both lying down.

Korekiyo turned over to turn the lamp on his bedside table off with a click, settling back down but finding himself quickly enveloped in Rantaro's warm arms. 

"I love you" Rantaro uttered in the darkness of the bedroom. "Tomorrow I'm all yours, K?" Korekiyo smiled a little to himself "I love you too - alright." he responded.

And then it was just comforting mutual quiet, Rantaro cuddling the lanky male from behind.

Korekiyo had been secretly hoping for this, and he felt an odd relief as he let his heavy lids close over his tired eyes. 

This was the real reason he'd stayed up so late so he'd be still awake when Rantaro got home - he didn't want to be asleep for the moment when he wrapped his arms around him. He always seemed to miss it.

Not tonight.

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