Chapter 2. (part 1)

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As soon as Chen Zhou enters Feng Yun Hall. Chen Zhou first goes to Ting Hao.

Chen Zhou asks Ting Hao:- Are you fine?

Ting Hao says:-. Yes I am fine. By the way, when did you start worrying about me so much?

Shui Chen Zhou says:- I don't care about you. I asked you because you did not react after seeing me. Otherwise I thought that as soon as you see me you will turn red with anger. But look, you are so quiet. Well you come with me, I want to talk to you.

Ting Hao goes to his cabin with Chen Zhou.

Ting Hao asks Chen Zhou:-. Why did you bring me here.

Chen Zhou tells Ting Hao:-. I want all the information about international matches from you and yes, do not try to trick me. Do you remember when you tricked me 5 years ago? The result of which you are still suffering. You are still stuck in this Feng Yun Hall, you could not get out of this Feng Yun Hall.

Chen Zhou says:-. I do the same to those who manipulate me. You have already seen the result of manipulating me 5 years ago.

Ting Hao standing there just keep listening. Then Chen Zhou goes from there. After Chen Zhou leaves, Yin Xiu enters the cabin. Yin Xiu was listening to the conversation between Chen Zhou and Ting Hao by hiding behind a wall.

Yin Xiu comes to the cabin and asks Ting Hao:-. What's happened to you 5 years ago, what was Chen Zhou talking to you about?

Ting Hao says:-. Not about anything.

Yin Xiu says to Ting Hao:-. Huh. That Ting Hao who answers all things very efficiently, he remained silent in front of Chen Zhou today, why? Please tell me Ting Hao, what happened 5 years ago, why are you still in Feng Yun Hall. You said that if you can join Feng Yun Hall, then you can also leave it. Then why haven't you left Feng Yun Hall till today.

Ting Hao leaves from there without answering.

It was evening and it was going to be dark. Ting Hao takes his car and leaves from Feng Yun Hall. He stops his car at a secluded place. Yin Xiu reaches that place in Ting Hao' s car chase. Ting Hao sees Yin Xiu and he gets out of his car and asks Yin Xiu why she is following him.

Yin Xiu says:-. I will keep following you until you tell me what happened 5 years ago. Swear to you Baicao and Ting Yi, tell me what happened 5 years ago.

Now Ting Hao starts telling her everything.

5 years ago

Now some flashback scenes are shown.The incidents begins with Ting Hao going back after talking to Chang An.

The incidents begins with Ting Hao going back after talking to Chang An

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On the way he meets Yin Xiu. She tells Ting Hao that Chen Zhou has seen the video of the match from every angle and wants to meet you.

 She tells Ting Hao that Chen Zhou has seen the video of the match from every angle and wants to meet you

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So  Ting Hao first goes to meet Chen Zhou after reaching America. Now Chen Zhou and Ting Hao talk about the match among themselves.

Chen Zhou tells Ting Hao:-.   You are just pretending to work with me. What do you think you will keep on pretending and I will not know anything.

Ting Hao tells Chen Zhou:-.    If you have already learned that I am not really working for you. So there is no question of pretending in front of you.  Yes, that was my plan. To teach you a lesson, to punish you for your actions, I distanced myself from them, took away from them whome I love very much. I want to ruin this entire Empire with my own hands, which ruined the lives of so many innocent people. What do you think if you have come to know everything, you will be saved.    No Chen Zhou,.  No........ Never.........

Then Chen Zhou tells Ting Hao:-.   You know Ting Hao why I've included you with me? Because of your attitude. I always felt that it is easy for us to control Chang An but  Ting Hao cannot be controlled. That's why I joined you with me. I knew that you would definitely do something against me. That's why I have kept a surprise for you, after seeing that you will not be able to spoil me even after wishing.

Ting Hao says:-.   What do you mean, what surprise.

Chen Zhou says:-.   That surprise is Roubai.

Hello everyone I know that this time it is really too late for me to upload the story. Please I am really very sorry. By the way, how did you like my story. I hope you like my story. If I have made some mistakes in my story, then please tell me. I will do my best to improve my mistakes

Thank you all of you
Have a good day.

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