"Good, well we better be getting home, Jason is supposed to be home tonight and for the rest of this week. Have a wonderful night you two."
Piper picks Jasper up and he wakes up. Piper sighs and Jasper starts crying.
She says goodbye and gets in the car.
"She's been a little stressed about Jason not being home to help out with the baby." I say and sit down.
Percy sits down next to me, "I can tell you're stressed too, what's wrong?" Percy says and looks at me.
"It's a little hard looking after a two year old and two one year olds. I love spending time with them don't get me wrong and I'm happy you're doing something you love. But it gets hard from time to time, and when you leave early in the morning and come home in the evening it's just a lot. I miss spending time with you and I just wish you were home more often." I tell him.

"It's a little hard looking after a two year old and two one year olds. I love spending time with them don't get me wrong and I'm happy you're doing something you love. But it gets hard from time to time, and when you leave early in the morning and come home in the evening it's just a lot. I miss spending time with you and I just wish you were home more often." Annabeth tells me and I feel my heart break.
  I feel horrible, Annabeth has been doing so much and with a job on top of looking after the kids.
  "Annabeth I'm so sorry, I should've known. I miss spending time with you too, I promise I'll be home more often to watch the kids. And I'll ask for diffrent hours at work, so I can leave around nine and be home around 4." I tell her and she smiles.
  "Thank you." She says and kisses me.
"Now, we better wake up our two year old before she doesn't sleep tonight." Annabeth says and stands up.
  I follow her up the stairs and into Zoë's room,
   "Zoë you need to wake up, your daddy wants to see you." Annabeth says and Zoë opens her eyes.
  She sees me and smiles, "Daddy!" She says and I take her from Annabeth,
  "Hey baby." I say and we go back downstairs. Annabeth comes down a minute later with a crying Hunter and a fussy Morgan.

  "Percy can you feed Morgan while I feed Hunter?" Annabeth asks me and I take Morgan from her. I get a bottle from the kitchen and warm it up. Hunter is crying from the living room so I sit down in the kitchen and start feeding Morgan.
  After a few minutes Hunter stops crying and Morgan has finished eating.
  I set Morgan on the floor and grab a blue cookie from the cookie jar.
  Zoë comes running in and plays with Morgan on the floor, "Daddy can I have one?" Zoë asks me and I give her one.
  "Why are they always blue?" She asks and I smile.
"Because Daddy likes the color blue when I was little so Grandma made all my food blue." I tell her and she nods.

  Hunter starts crying from the living room. I go to see what's wrong, Annabeth is walking around the living room trying to calm him down.
  "I think he's teething, do we have the teeters in the freezer?" Annabeth asks me and I go grab one from the freezer. She hands it to Hunter and he starts to chew on it. He eventually calms down and continues to chew on it.
"What do you want for dinner?" Annabeth asks me. "You make dinner every night, I'm making dinner tonight, what do YOU want?" I ask her and she smiles.
  "Spaghetti sounds good tonight." She says.
"Ok." I say and go into the kitchen to start dinner.

   I help Percy clean the dishes, "Thank you for making dinner tonight, I really appreciate it." I tell him,  "You're welcome, I told you I would help out more." Percy says.
  "Then you can help by giving Zoë and Morgan a bath." I tell him with a laugh. He smirks but goes upstairs.
  I finished up the dishes and picked Hunter up from his high chair and go upstairs into the bathroom.
   I start running the water and put Hunter in it. He's not a huge fan of water and baths but he can handle it for around 10 minutes or so.
I start washing his messy blond hair and he splashes in the water.
After I rinse his hair I change him into a onesie and brush his hair. I go into the twins room and find Percy rocking Morgan in the rocking chair,
"Thank you for everything you did tonight." I tell him and he smiles.
"No problem." He says.

After we get the twins to bed I go into my room to change into my pjs when I hear Zoë scream.
  I run across the hall and find her standing in a corner of the room, "Zoë whats wrong?" I ask her panicked.
  "Sp-spider." She says and I yelp.
She runs over to me and points out the spider. It starts moving and I scream, Percy bursts in the door with riptide drawn ready to kill something.
  "What happened, is there a monster?" He asks panicked.
  "Spider!" Was all I said and he turned Riptide back into pen form and went over to where Zoë was pointing. He picked up the spider and went to the bathroom to put it down the sink.

Zoë runs over to her dad and hugs him, "Thank you daddy!" She says and he laughs. "I wonder who she got her fear of spiders from." Percy says and I roll my eyes.
  "Spiders are the spawn of devils I have every right to be scared and so does my daughter." I say and cross my arms. Percy just smiles and puts Zoë in bed.
  "Good night baby." Percy says and kisses her forehead.
  I go over to Zoë and kissed the top of her head, "Good night I love you baby."
"I love you too mama." Zoë says and I walk out of the room.

  I really enjoy writing for you guys! So thank you for making it fun.

The quote of the week is:
"If my life is going to mean anything I have to live it myself"
-Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson)

Never getting away from me againTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon