Chapter 2

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        Rob stood in the kitchen of the house that they were planning on staying in. The other men in the group, Cry, Pewdiepie, Ken, and Preston were exlpring the other aspects of the house. The graceful two-story house that Rob had selected was close to useless. The house was located in the tree lined labyrinth of a gated enclave known as Wiltshire Estates.                                                                                              In a free brouchure, that Ken had found earlier that day in an abandoned toll booth, a flowery desgin lay on the front with a description that sounds like a Martha Stwert wet dream: 'Whiltshire Estates provides a safe location for everyone. Named 'Best of the Best' in the state of  Missouri by LIFE Magazine ... homes from 475,000 to 1 million-plus.'                                                                                                       The group of Youtubers happened upon the fancy outer gates right before sunset that day-- on their way to a refugee center in St. Louis. They were all crammed in an old Chevy Suburban that was outside of a Walmart they raided. 
        At first, the Estaste was going to be used as a quick pit stop, search for food, weapons, and gas, then go. Perhaps they would find others like them, other living people, maybe a few good souls that would help them. But no lights burned in any of the town's windows, very few cars remainded in driveways or on the curbs, and an abonded BMW sat with it's shattered front end wrapped around a telephone pole, its twiwsted passenger door hanging open; the people obviously left in a hurry.                       
The reason they left so fast, for the most part, could be seen in the distance; even through the cloudly, uncleaned windows of the house. Zombies shambled aimlessly like a lost child, their stumbling walk, yawning mouths letting out rusty horrifying groans that Rob could hear well enough, even through the sealed house windows. The other men could hear them too, as well as Lillian. The moans filled their hearing. Rob gazed out at the undead, as Preston walked into the room. 

"Are you sure we got them all?" Preston asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yes, sure." Rob responded. 

"Every door, every closet, every dark corner?" 

"Yes, goddammit Preston. Yes, the guys and I checked everywhere." 

Preston scoffed, "I'm not apart of your little 'the guys' club?" 

"What?" Rob turned around to look at Preston, with his arms crossed.

"Im just saying. After the incident at the coffee shop you haven't let me participate in any killings or runs. You make me stay with your sister." 

"Is she a problem?" 

"No its just, jesus Rob, I want to help! I don't want to sit in a damn closet protecting your defenceless sister. It'd much more effective if I could help the group."

"You are helping." 

"Not by sitting in a closet!" By this point Preston was shouting, pretty loudly infact. 

"Preston, I can't go and have you almost get bit again!" 

"I went in that room by myself last time! I'll stay by Ken or something!" 

Cry, Felix, and Ken then walked in. "What the fuck is with all the yelling?" Felix questioned. 

"Don't you guys think that I should be able to help you guys with killings and runs?" Preston turned around to faced the three men that were slightly taller than his 6 foot self; with his arms crossed. 

"I don't know man, you almost got bit last time." Ken responded. 

"Is this whole damn thing about me getting almost getting bitten?! Ken, I saw you clear as day almost get bit in the parking garage and I know for a fact that Rob saw you too because he asked if you were okay. So don't go on with this 'you almost got bit' B.S. because I know that's not the reason why!" Preston's voice was getting louder and louder each time he talked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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