Stargazing Part 2

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Still Jordan POV:

On the way to the island, I fell off the jet-ski and got completely soaked so Cedrick helped me back onto the jet-ski and said "Careful, Cutie."
and I replied with "STOP CALLING ME CUTIE!" I was blushing like crazy.
When we got to the island, Cedrick tried to help me off but the heel of my high heels got stuck and I fell onto him. We rolled into the sand and Cedrick was right above me and was holding himself up.
(here's an Image of how it looked)

Cedrick's arm gave in causing him to land on top of me

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Cedrick's arm gave in causing him to land on top of me. When Cedrick landed on me, his lips met mine. We started making out and that's when I heard another jet-ski arrive at the island, I heard Nathan ask "Cedrick? Jordan? Are you guys he-"  Then James said "Ohh- Uh- so is this-" And then Gabe said "Come on guys, give them their privacy!"
When we heard them leave, Cedrick got off me and apologized. I told him it was ok and for the rest of the night, we watched the stars. The last thing I saw before i fell asleep was me in Cedricks arm and a constellation shaped as a heart.
(it looked like this)

I woke up In Cedrick's bed and he was cuddling me

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I woke up In Cedrick's bed and he was cuddling me. "Morning, Cutie." he said to me. "Morning." I replied.
"Nathan uploaded something last night, It's called "Tea?? 👀 👁👄👁 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )" he told me. We clicked on video and saw Cedrick on top of me, I was in a dress and we were making out. we started blushing and then I realised..  I wasn't in a dress anymore, I wasn't even wearing the same underwear- Cedrick blushed even harder after I asked "Cedrick.. Did you change my clothes was asleep?"
He answered "yes.."

Maybe I'm A Little Gay. (Cedrick × Jordan)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt