seventeen »

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And he had all the rights not to be.


"Louis, are you back with Eleanor?"

"Does that make you bisexual and not gay?"

"Was she by your side during your mother's passing?"

"Are you planning on getting back together with her tonight?"

Louis and the other boys just walked right past the paparazzis, not even giving them one look. Zayn had his arm wrapped around his best friend's shoulder, as he was trying to show him his support.

"Ignore them, we'll be inside shortly." Zayn reassured him after Tomlinson took a deep breath, already wanting to go home.

The English one just nodded, as they all finally made their way inside.

Luckily for them, no paps were allowed in. However, a lot of celebrities were there and Simon made it very clear to behave. Which meant that Louis and Harry should stay away from each other, Niall and Zayn as well.

The party was held inside Eleanor's huge mansion. Louis have been there before, it's quite nice.

"Louis!" A feminine voice screamed from behind, as the music was blasting through their ears.

"Hey El!" He replied as she got closer to him. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you!" She answered before pulling him into a small and friendly hug.

Harry just looked at them hugging, as his blood started boiling. God knows how much he hates this woman, she's probably one of the fakest people he have met in his life. She acts all innocent and nice in front of Louis and the others, but when she'd be alone with Harry... It would be a completely different story. They all thought Styles hated her because she was Louis' beard, but it was way deeper than just that.

As for Louis, he really didn't mind her. She was always sweet and understanding of him, and she never forced him to do anything he didn't feel comfortable doing. However, he just didn't want to deal with the paps and all the rumors again and that is why he didn't feel like showing up tonight.

Even if he came out, people still wanted to assume things.

Crazy right?

"Hey Harry!" She exclaimed with a smile, letting go of Louis' embrace. "Thank you for showing up."

"Not like we had a choice anyway." He murmured, which made Louis look at him with big eyes.

She just smiled awkwardly, not looking at him anymore.

"Well um..." She stuttered. "The bar is on the other side of the room, feel free to get anything you want. I'll see you later."

She walked away after saying that sentence, not giving any of them time to respond.

"That wasn't cool mate, it's her birthday." Liam said to Harry, which made the curly haired lad roll his eyes.

"I'll just go grab a drink." He expressed, getting ready to leave.

"Liam is right, you should go apologize."

Harry turned around, frowning as he heard these words coming out of Louis' mouth.

"Are you fucking serious? You didn't even want to be here a few minutes ago and now you want me to be nice?"

"Well, she was always nice to you. You could at least try."

"Only in front of you! Why don't you ever believe me when I say that?! She was never nice to me when you guys weren't around!"

the aftermath • larry„ziallOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant