"Secrets slowly unravel" Part 8

Comenzar desde el principio

*(Deku) has changed (Eraserhead) to (ParentalInsomniac)*

Izuku, or Deku, laughed as he basically felt Aizawa roll his eyes from here.

3:23 am


I swear, every day I talk to you, you get more and more childish. Even so...

*(ParentalInsomniac) changed (Deku) to (ProblemChild)

3:24 am


Okay, like, fair enough, but still... rude :/

3:24 am


Next thing I know, you're going to use "omg" and keyboard smash. How old are you anyway?

3:24 am


Now now, don't start giving me ideas (:, And no, I'm not giving out info on myself, better luck next time. (;

3:25 am


The faces are going to become a regular thing, Huh?

3:25 am


Go to sleep.

And with that Izuku closed his laptop and knew he was going to regret giving out so much of his personality in the morning. 'Whatever, future me will deal with that.' Izuku thought as he headed to his bed.

It was the next morning at school, he was currently in his English class. He couldn't help but feel like someone, specifically his teacher, was watching his every move the whole time. 'Did I do something wrong?' Izuku was now quite anxious.

He completed his English packet first, as always, so Presen- Mr. Yamada decided to grade it at that moment. He gave Izuku his packet back and said, "Great as always Midoriya! I was wondering, have you learned English before this?" "Oh, Well I-I st-studied the basics w-when I was seven b-but I mostly forgot it," Izuku said, suddenly embarrassed at the praise. Mr. Yamada smiled wider, somehow. "Wow! You sure are a fast learner then, huh?" Izuku nodded, still embarrassed, "Uhm, Th-thanks?" Although it sounded more like a question. "Do you do well in most academics or are you kinda more of an English person, kinda like Kaminari from class 1-A, He sure is an energetic boy," Yamada chuckled at the memory of Kaminari always excitedly putting his hand up for every question since it was really the only academic he could really excel at and beat his classmates. "Uhm I actually am more of a mathematics and coding person," Izuku responded.

Yamada cocked an eyebrow, "Oh really? I haven't met many students who are interested in coding," Yamada leaned on his hand, looking extremely interested, "What do you code about?" Izuku didn't exactly know what to say since he can't just tell his teacher that he liked hacking into places that he was definitely not supposed to be in, luckily the bell had saved him. Yamada stood up and told everyone to turn in their papers and head on to their next class.

Izuku quickly walked out, wanting to escape that awkward situation as fast as he could. While he was walking to his next class too quickly to notice his surroundings, He got beaten up by a wall. 'I can beat up criminals but the wall is the end of my streak? I can't believe this.' Izuku thought, rubbing his now bleeding nose. He stood up and saw Aizawa because the world just loved laughing at his face.

"Are you okay there?" Aizawa asked in his signature exhausted voice. Izuku nodded. "Go to the nurse, she'll give you a pass, I don't think your next teacher will appreciate you dropping blood everywhere." Izuku nodded again and started to speed walk to the nurse's office.

She gave him a bandaid and told him "not to make out with any more walls from now on". It was an understatement to say he was embarrassed.

When he walked to his next class he heard students talking about the sports festival and who they're placing bets on. 'Oh yeah, the sports festival, I don't think I'm gonna participate, too much work' Izuku silently laughed in his moment of ignorance and bliss because here he was now, sitting at lunch with Hatsume and Shinso as they attempted to force him to join by thinking he was foolish enough to accept if they said they would all buy matching pairs of red shoes... Let's just say, he was foolish enough to accept.

"... And you'll wear them with me almost every day, so I don't stick out like a sore thumb?" Shinso and Hatsume nodded vigorously. He slammed his head on the lunch table, "Fine" He mumbled. "YES!" Hatsume yelled, gaining the attention of the whole cafeteria, "Now I have an excuse to design support gear with you!" Izuku groaned as Shinso laughed, "Yeah yeah, you won't be laughing when you're eating my dust." Izuku said, lifting his head and smirking. "Oh, are those fighting words I hear? You're so on." Shinso copied Izuku's smirk.

"Who do you think I should test my gear on?" Hatsume asked. "Anyone and everyone." Izuku and Shinso say in unison. Hatsume basically sparkled as she rambled about different ways to secretly force the heroes in training to basically be a walking billboard for her gear, while Izuku and Shinso just smiled and nodded, although only Izuku really understood what she was saying.

(AN- This is more of a peaceful chapter since the next chapter will literally make me want to take a nap for a year once I write. Guess you can consider it the big "boss battle" to test my writing abilities)

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