You're important to him

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Kirishima sniffled and hugged both his friends back as the all spoke to him telling him he'd be okay and telling him different things he could do to try and get better with Bakugo. Kirishima knew Bakugo was never the one to properly know how to deal with his emotions and feelings. Which was definitely going to make things difficult. Kirishima's coughing was calming down with everyone's reassuring words so he was finally taking some decent breaths. When Sero said he was gonna go talk to Bakugo, Kirishima quickly said. "Wait! Wait! Sero, please don't tell Bakugo I have Hanahaki, please. I don't want him to know. I suppose it's alright for the others to know, just not him please... and be kind with him, please don't yell at him. I know he yells all the time but I know how he is, if you two get into an argument about me he'll want to come see me and I just... I can't see him right now, just tell him I'm sorry." Kirishima said. Sero sighed and nodded at the petition of his friend "I'll try to be gentle, i promise" he said before leaving and searching for Bakugo before his break was over.

Even if Bakugo didn't liked him, he cared about him way to much. Even if he was in pain and suffering, having a possibility of dying from this Hanahaki disease, he wanted Bakugo to be ok. That's just who he was, always putting others before himself. He looked to Kaminari and hugged him before trying to give him a soft smile. "Kaminari, do you think you could get Shinsou for me? I think trying to speak with the mask might be a good idea. And I know you and him have already build somewhat of a relationship or friendship." Kaminari quickly nodded "of course Kiribro! I'll go get him right away!" He said, giving him one last tight hug and a shaky smile until he ran out of the nursery. Kiri then looked to Recovery Girl with a sudden face of guilt as he hugged her tightly. She was just a little old woman doing her best but Kirishima had never seen her so upset before and being the cause of that, he felt so guilty. "I'm so so sorry, I don't want to make you sad, I don't want to make anybody sad. I'm so thankful that you're helping me, it means the world to me and I promise I'll try to get better. If it doesn't, then... I'll come to you, okay?" He tried to make the situation better by now giving them thankful and helpful words.

Recovery smiled weakly "oh dear, you're a strong man. Always putting other before yourself, it's fine to be selfish sometimes darling and don't worry about me." she confidently said "I'll give you something that might help you a little with the pain but you know what to do to make it stop, I'll be here always if you need anything. Here, have my number. If you need me anytime, call. It doesn't matter if it's late or early." The lady handed him a little card that had her number and her name. "You may leave now, I can talk with Aisawa to give you a few days off if that's what you want" she said, going to the door and opening it for him. Kirishima smirked softly at Recovery Girl as she handed him her number to call her if he needed help. "Thank you so much, I'll try to work on the being selfish thing... I just don't like seeing people unhappy." He gave her one last hug and putted the card into his pocket before walking out and heading to the UA dorms.

Sero finally found Bakugo in some corner of the school, alone. "Hey..." he called and the blond groaned when he saw him "the fuck do you want?" He asked harshly, Sero clenched his teeth. "Kirishima is not okay" He said. Bakugo's eyes sparkled with interest but he looked away "and? I don't give a-" "of course you do Bakugo, stop fooling yourself" the black haired boy cut him off with a firm tone, Bakugo's eyes widened slightly at his sudden behavior. "He's sorry for leaving you that day, okay? but he's really not fine, man. He's sick, he can't see you for now and I don't know how to explain it but you have to forgive him." Sero said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Bakugo was frozen, he pushed him away.

"I have to? What's going on?" Katsuki asked confused and angry at all of this orders Sero was giving him. "I can't tell you, he'll talk to you but please try to be gentle with him. The others may buy it but I don't, I know you care about him so stop being so mean. Please, you're important to him" Bakugo didn't know how to feel about Sero's words, it was all firm and kinda mad but he knew that his words were sincere. "Fine".

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