"I didn't know you fancied me that much." Blaise teased under his breath.

"Oh, shut up," she nudged his shoulder as he tried not to laugh.

When the dinner was finished, Lyra wasn't certain she'd be wanted back. She went into her dormitory and went straight to bed.

The next day, she sat in the Gryffindor common room and studied in the far corner with Alicia and Katie. They were surrounded by pieces of parchment and textbooks. Alicia was scratching her head at the confusing texts.

"I can't do this anymore!" Alicia cried out. "I'll just become a prostitute!"

"Do you really think you can have sex with a greasy old man?" Katie questioned.

"I can if his money pouch is heavy."

"I should have just wanted to be a housewife." Lyra groaned. "Why did I want to work again?"

"No idea, you're mental that's why!" Alicia replied ad she laid down on the carpet. "I don't want to work. I just want to marry rich. Is Draco seeing anyone?"

Lyra gagged, causing the girls to laugh. "Disgusting! You can do better."

"Should I become an evil step-mother?"

"You're not evil enough." Lyra retorted.

"Why did we need progress?" She whined further. "I could have been cooking and cleaning and having affairs."

"Oh, shut up!" Katie hissed as she rubbed away a tension headache. "Sorry, Al, I'm just stressed."

"I could use a shag." Lyra said, only half-kidding. "Blow off some steam."

"Give me five minutes." Alicia jested, making her friends laugh.

"I am so tired of studying." Katie tossed her book to the side. "I'm going to take a nap before class." She got up and walked away, leaving her bag behind.

Alicia scoffed as she started to pack Katie's bag for her. "She's so forgetful, what a tosser."

"Are you trying out for quidditch?" Lyra asked.

"Yup, I know it's going to be more stressful with studying for our NEWTs, but it'll be a good outlet." She replied with a grin. "Katie is trying out too. Also, I heard Ginny will be too. She's wicked."

"I hope you all make it." Lyra beamed.

"This school year just isn't the same without Lee and the twins, is it?"

They both frowned. "No, it is not."

It had been very quiet without them and the parties were not as crazy. They were more like small kickbacks and Lyra opted out of going to most. She would send George so many letters detailing her day and asking about his, it was the highlight of her morning to receive a letter from 'Georgia'.

Her mother sent her letters twice a week and Lyra made sure to detail her day to her as well. She left out her friends and mainly talked about classes and the professors. She also complained a lot.

Mid-September, Lyra attended the quidditch tryouts for Gryffindor, she didn't care for Slytherin because Draco wasn't trying out. He had too much on his plate with killing the headmaster and sneaking the death eaters into Hogwarts. Lyra knew she needed to tell someone, but she kept her mouth shut because Draco was family and she didn't want to get him in trouble for something he can't fail, if he fails, her family is killed. She knows the probability of him succeeding was low, but with Narcissa having Snaps vow to help Draco, she only hopes sadly there is success. She has no animosity towards Dumbledore, but if it's between him and her brother, she'd want Dumbledore to die instead.

Ginny was out on the field in her second hand uniform, it was baggy on her body and her broom was also ill-fitted. She remembered George told her that Ginny took Charlie's broom into possession.

Lyra got in the front, leaning her arms against the barricade. "Good luck, Ginny!" Lyra cheered as she was on the side lines, soon to be going up. Ginny didn't seem overjoyed to see Lyra, but have a grimace of a smile.

"She'll warm up to you eventually." Katie said optimistically as Ginny mounted her broom and took off for the sky.

"Hopefully that's the case." Lyra sighed gloomily. "I should be used to being disliked."

"Shove off, give it time."

Soon it was Katie's turn to show off her talents, Lyra was vocal and cheered loudly, being the only one doing so. Alicia was green, hoping to make it. Harry was team captain and Katie was hoping he didn't let Ron on the team because he's his best mate.

The douchebag, Cormac must have been nervous because he did a shitty job at Keeper, Lyra tried not laughing at him. It served him right.

All three girls made the team, including Ron as well. Katie celebrated by getting drunk on fire whiskey. Ginny joined in on the celebration. She was a wicked Chaser. Fred and George would be ecstatic at the news.

One particular morning, Lyra was poking around her breakfast. Draco looked bloody awful, she hadn't seen him eat as of late and it concerned her greatly.

"You need to eat something, Draco." Lyra whispered. "You'll fade away if you don't."

"I'm not hungry." He gritted.

She frowned at that response. "Not hungry? I haven't seen you eat in the last few days, please, eat toast at least."

He banged his fist on the table, making her jump, his eyes grew wild. "Stop treating me like a child!" He curled his lips with steaming anger. "I have more important things to be dealing with than a pestering bitch!" With that, he stormed out of the great hall, leaving his plate completely untouched.

She felt her heart break at the sight of him leaving, her poor baby brother.

She didn't have much time to wallow in self-pity as owls started to come in with mail. Lyra paid for the newspaper and thought that would be it until an unfamiliar owl stood nearly on top of Draco's plate.

"Oh!" She exclaimed with surprise. In it's beak was a letter. She offered the owl a large strawberry for it's hard work, it pecked at it vigorously.

Lyra looked the letter over to see it was addresses to her and she recognized the return address. She opened the letter up and pulled out a piece of stiff parchment to see a letter from Andromeda.

Dear Lyra,

I hope you are enjoying your final year at Hogwarts! I apologize for the late reply but it has been quite hectic on my end.

You are always welcome to my home, no matter the time or circumstance. If you need a safe place, we are here for you. I know you didn't feel comfortable explaining what traumatic event expired, but just know that I am here for you if you need me. We are family after all.

Please do not fear to reach out. I have a room available always for you.

Love, Aunt Andromeda

P.S. Mrs. Weasley told me she caught you and George acting quite close, I put in a good word for you. She still sees George as her baby and will be very protective of him. She has a hard time with her children finding partners, don't take any of her feelings to heart. It will fade and she'll grow to be attached to you, soon you'll wish she disliked you.

Lyra quickly clutched the letter close, she tried to take deep breaths to not cry. Everything was feeling real.

This one was a filler, sorry it's all over the place. It's going to start getting a little fast pace now for a bit.

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