Chapter Thirty Nine

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I began to question why alarm clocks existed when George and Cauldron were around, getting a way too early wakeup call that consisted of George aggressively kissing my cheek with Cauldron making noises.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" George exclaimed, a final kiss landing on my lips.

"What are you doing?" I muttered, my eyes remaining closed as he stifled his laughs.

"Wishing you a Happy Birthday, darling," he reminded me, internally groaning. I wrapped my arms around him to comfort the turmoil my mind was working through.

"Thank you. Now, I'm going back to sleep," I quickly said, hoping I could get past it without George objecting.

Cauldron didn't seem to be getting the message either, my peace being disturbed when he landed on the bed near my feet.

I finally opened my eyes to see a smile on George's face, that being a great gift in itself.

"There is a box on the counter from your parents and a couple letters an owl dropped off this morning," he told me, brushing chaotic strands of bed-hair out of my face.

"I'll just stay here all day. They may have sent another postcard," I attempted to joke, getting an amused hum from George while he kept messing with my hair.

"I would say you're glowing but it would be with anger instead of... glowy-ness," he commented, knowing I would have normally laughed if I wasn't drained.

We had gotten in no earlier than 1, that I knew for sure since that's what I read when I last checked my watch. I had no idea what time it was now but the annoying birds that were always chirping out the window were there, meaning it had to be between 7 and 8.

"What time did you go to sleep?" I asked him, his eyes cutting towards the other side of the loft.

"Uh, not really sure," he quickly responded, glancing back at me.

I looked closer at him, using my finger and brushing his bangs away to see his eyes had a slight tent of red to them.

"You didn't, did you?" I already felt as if I knew the answer, his mouth forming into a thin line.

"If it makes you feel any better, I know what time you went to bed..." he said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"George, you need sleep, sweetie," I mumbled, my hand resting on his cheek.

"My mum must've done a real number on you-"

"George, I'm serious," I interrupted him, attempting to give him a disapproving look that failed. Miserably.

"Tonight we'll go to bed early," he tried to assure me, not saying anything in response.

I finally gave him a small nod, leaning over and kissing him a moment later.

"We could just stay in bed all day. Cuddle, watch movies, kiss..." I trailed off, this time a laugh successfully escaping when his eyes momentarily lit up.

"As delightful as that sounds, no."

"You sure?" I questioned, going in for another number of kisses.

"You can decide whatever we do except lay in bed all day. I will not allow you to waste your, what, 50th birthday in bed?" He joked, hitting his chest.

"I'm seventeen," I mumbled, my hand clasping over my mouth a moment later. "I can do actual magic outside of school," I came to the quick realization, staring at him. He of course already knew that.

"Congrats, sweetheart," he said, grinning as I sat up and attempted to tame my hair.

"Yeah, but do I really have to open whatever it is my parents sent me?" I silently questioned, glancing over at George.

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