Chapter 1: Runaway Ringleader

Start from the beginning

"Are we really safe from White here?" Pink Diamond asked.

"Absolutely." the lion tamer assured her. "The petting zoo is very isolated from the circus tent. The chances of White Diamond coming back here are very slim. Now, let's get you prepped for delivery."

"Ar-are you sure you can handle it?" Blue Diamond panted as she laid down on a pillow resting against some hay bales.

"Of course." Rose responded. "I've delivered many animal babies here before."

"But, this isn't a lamb or piglet we're talking about." the younger ringleader debated. "This is a human baby."

"Trust me, the same principles apply." she justified. "Pink, could you be a dear and bring me the tub of water and some towels?"

"Sure." Pink nodded as she sprung into action.

Blue Diamond suddenly screamed in pain as an extra strong contraction came over her. The laboring ringmaster's eyes were so flooded with tears, she could almost drown in them.

"Rose, I think I'm going to die!" Blue sobbed hysterically.

"It'll be okay, Blue." the lion tamer promised as she prepped the pregnant woman for delivering the baby. "Just keep it together."

Soon, Pink arrived with the tub of water and the towels as requested.

"Alright, Blue; we're all set." the acting midwife announced. "Now when I count to three, I want you to give me a big push. Are you ready?"

"Yes, let's do it!" Blue replied quickly, hyperventilating.

"Okay, 1..., 2..., 3... push!" Rose counted.

With all the strength she had, the soon-to-be mother pushed as the baby started to move out of the womb. The task was very painful for Blue like her body was being torn apart.

"You're doing great, Blue." Rose said encouragingly. "I can see the baby's crowning."

"This delivery is going to be the death of me!" the laboring ringleader hollered.

"Be strong, sister." Pink Diamond implored. "Just keep pushing. You can do it."

"One more time and... big push!" Rose Quartz urged as Blue took some deep breaths.

She gave it one more try and pushed the little baby out of her body. She let out a scream so loud that it was surprising that White Diamond didn't hear it. And then, another sound rang through the air: the cry of a newborn baby, the first sounds of life.

"It's a girl." Pink stated as Rose carried the newborn in towels over to the tub to be cleaned up.

Poor Blue was completely exhausted.

"You did it, Blue." her sister congratulated her. "You brought a baby into the world."

"I'm a mother." the exhausted ringleader murmured as she decided to take a little nap while Pink draped a blanket over her.

Once the baby was cleaned up and her umbilical cord was removed, Rose took her now bundled up in blankets over to her awaiting mom.

Blue, who had recovered from the delivery took her new baby into her arms and got a good look at her. The baby girl had fair skin and ocean blue hair. Her eyes barely opened to reveal two royal blue orbs.

"She's so beautiful." the ringleader said, gazing upon this creation. "Absolutely perfect."

"What's her name going to be?" Pink asked her sister.

"I'm going to call her, Lapis Lazuli." Blue Diamond decided.

Just then, a little boy who just happened to be nearby emerged from the shadows. His name was Jamie and he was just three years old. He was an orphan who was taken by some of the acrobats.

"Why hello, Jamie." Rose said in a friendly tone.

"Um, can I see the baby; please?" the little boy asked nervously.

"Of course." the lion tamer nodded. "Come on over."

Jamie jogged over to get a closer look at the little baby.

"What's her name?" he asked her mother.

"I just named her Lapis Lazuli." Blue Diamond answered.

The young boy gazed upon the infant with wonder filled eyes. Lapis looked up at the visitor and the sides of her lips curled up as if she was smiling. She really seemed to like Jamie.

Not far away, a loud noise interrupted the peaceful moment and the baby started to cry. She hid herself in her mother's bosom for comfort.

"She's only fifteen minutes old and she already knows she's not safe here." Blue Diamond frowned.

"I suggest that you and Lapis get out of the circus as soon as you can." Rose proposed.

"It won't be easy sneaking out under White's watch." the ringleader conveyed. "But, my daughter will never be happy with my sister's mistreatment."

"Don't worry, we'll help you." her little sister assured her.

And so, Rose and Pink Diamond diverted White Diamond's attention while Blue Diamond snuck out of the circus concealed with a black cloak from the costume rack. Baby Lapis was swaddled and fast asleep in her arms. Now, she just needed to find a home for herself and little girl to settle down in.

White was not happy that her little sister had fled from the family business.

"You can't stay away from the circus forever, Blue!" the head ringmaster ranted in the distance. "I'll get you back one day! And your precious daughter too!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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