Stranger Things [Billy X Reader]

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He laughs as he comes to a stop just in front of the entrance to the school. "As long as you start no fights, you do what you have to do in order to survive your last year of high school."

"I plan on it."

Exiting the car, you offer your dad a brief grin before shutting the door and turning around to make your way inside the school. You enter the front office to get your class schedule and locker assignment, and before you can leave the secretary is flagging down some poor soul in hopes of giving you a brief tour.

The girl in question walks in, sheepishly smiling at you as she's told of her sudden new job.

"Um, hi. I'm Nancy."

"Y/N," you politely introduce yourself. So much for the resting bitch face. You can't exactly give attitude to the poor individual tasked with showing you around. The secretary coos about blossoming friendships, and you and Nancy can't help but smirk as you walk out of the office. "So, uh, thanks for this. I've never been the new girl before, but all TV shows always indicate the local high schooler does not like giving tours."

Nancy quietly chuckles. "It's no problem. I'm happy to help."

She takes your class schedule and you're thankful that she doesn't attempt small talk. As she walks you to where your first class will be, she mentions that you have your first and third classes with her, and that the two of you will even share a lunch period. As you go from class to class to lunch room, she invites you to sit with her and her friends should you need a place to sit.

"So that's about it," Nancy says. "We still have about ten minutes before school starts. I can introduce you to some people if you'd like."

"Um, maybe later?" You politely decline. "I just want to get a feel for the place before it's packed with other teenagers."

"Oh sure. Yeah. I'll see you later then."

As Nancy takes her leave, you glance around the empty hallway and retrace your steps so you have your classrooms somewhat memorized. You're the first one in your first class of the day and you linger around the teacher's desk until Nancy walks in and assures you the desk next to hers is available. It's easy to talk to Nancy, but the second your attention is elsewhere your welcoming demeanor drops and the others around you warily glance at you to determine whether or not it's worth a risk to chat you up. Fortunately, no one takes the risk until your second class of the day.

Carol Perkins reminds you of Caroline pre-vampirism, but this time you're not so patient with the entitled and too perky persona. So when she and boyfriend Tommy invite you to sit with them at their lunch table, and Carol pops her gum one time too many times, you set your pen down and meet their gazes head on. "Look. I'm sure you guys think you're the shit around here, but I couldn't care less." There's a snort of laughter to your left, but you pay it no mind as Carol and Tommy's too cheerful expressions suddenly transform into annoyed scowls. "I grew up with people like you and I'm so over the fake welcoming attitudes just so you can unearth every detail about me and then be the first to spread it around school. I don't need to surround myself with fake people to feel important and I sure as hell don't need to sit at a lunch table full of people kissing your ass. I'm good. Thanks."

"Wow," Tommy muses, "new girl's a bitch."

"And you'll do well to remember that," you retort without missing a beat. "I got bite to back up my bark. Can you say the same?"

"Whatever." Carol rolls her eyes, popping her gum yet again as she and Tommy stand up to go sit on the other side of the room.

"Alright, new girl. You're my new favorite person in this shit hole for a town." You glance at your left and you do your best to keep your features schooled. The boy sitting in the desk next to yours is all chiseled features, dirty blonde hair cropped short with a bit of curls sitting atop his head. He has a hint of a mustache and goatee going on, and you have to keep your cool as his blue eyes sparkle with mirth at you. "Billy Hargrove," he introduces himself.

Imagines [Book Three]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant