"She liked it," he said with a grin. Eleanor smiled and ruffled up his hair.

Mrs. Lupin sat down at the table again with a fresh cup of tea. "Heard anything from Sirius yet dear?" she asked her daughter while stirring the spoon.

Eleanor shook her head. "His owl will probably get here later today, I sent Archie off last night," she explained. Her mother nodded and took a sip of her tea.

At around eleven-thirty, Eleanor and Remus were bored, so they decided to just go to the neighbours already. When Remus closed the front door behind him the sun burned on his head.

It was really hot outside and he immediately regretted wearing a jumper. His hands sweating as he followed Eleanor over to the house next to them, Remus rolled up his sleeves.

Eleanor had been smart. She was wearing a white David Bowie t-shirt and a pair of loose jeans with her black and white Converse underneath.

Remus' tried to breathe in and out slowly as Eleanor rang the doorbell. He couldn't deny he was pretty nervous to see Andrew again. He was still hoping he'd lile his nails.

The door opened a bit and Ian's head poked around. "Oh hullo," he said and then pulled the door open further so his guests could walk in.

"Welcome, welcome," he said as he closed the door behind them. Remus was happy to feel a cooler temperature inside their house, probably because of fans or an AC.

"Ian! Is't them?" Remus heart fluttered at the sound of Andrew's voice coming from what he guessed was their living room.

"Yeah," he said as he walked through a doorway, going to were the voice was coming from. Not really sure what else to do, Eleanor and Remus followed Ian.

Andrew got up from the sofa. "Afternoon," he said with a handsome grin. He was holding a can of pop in one hand and a pair of sunglasses in the other.

"Hi," Eleanor said with a slight chuckle. Remus gave a curt nod, trying not to make a fool of himself.

"Please sit, want anythin' teh drink?" he asked them. They sat down, Ian as well.

Eleanor looked up at him. "Some water's fine thanks," she said with a smile.

Andrew nodded. Then his eyes fell on Remus. "Er yeah same for me," he said.

"Cheap guests eh? No wonder mam likes ya," Andrew sniggered and then walked into the kitchen to get their drinks. Eleanor laughed.

Remus couldn't help but follow him with his eyes. Andrew was wearing the same things he wore last night, and damn did he look even better in it in broad daylight.

He quickly averted his gaze when Andrew walked back in and set down their glasses in the coffee table.

"Thanks," Eleanor said and quickly took a sip. "Not to be rude, but I have to ask. Where are you guys from?"

Andrew chuckled and sat down next to his brother on the other sofa. "Don't wordy, everyone asks," he said, waving his hand at her.

"We're from south Wales," Ian then explained. "We moved here cause dad got a new job offer from the company he works for."

Remus raised his eyebrows. "That's a long drive," he said, picking up the glass of water in front of him.

The twins both nodded. "Yeah, but it's worth it," Andrew said, looking straight at Remus.

A long pause followed in which Remus took the time to look around him while drinking some water. The Hales' home was very tidy, something he had expected from their mother.

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