Remus smirked and shrugged. "It apparently has always been on there, don't ask me why," he said and stood up straight again.

"Wait, this is that Muggle music you listen to Pads?" James frowned.

"Well no not this, I listen to David Bowie and Queen, sometimes KISS," he explained.

Amelia just looked very confused but was very happy he had turned on the Muggle music.

James had an impressed expression on his face. "I've got to admit, this is better than that crap the Wireless puts on," he said as he opened another bottle.

Eleanor laughed and started to move to the beat of the song. She always missed listening to 'normal' music when she was at school. Sirius smiled and looked at her as she danced with Amelia.

"... now a brand new one, December, 1963 by The Four Seasons, also called Oh what a night, enjoy folks..." the voice on the radio said.

They listened intently as the song started to play. "It's an American one," Sirius said. She couldn't hear the words to the song at first because of all the noise coming from the other Gryffindors,but once she did a grin played on her lips.

"Well it might not be December 1963, but it sure fits the setting," she chuckled and turned up the volume a bit more. Remus, who was very close to the radio, jumped back immediately because it was so loud.

"Oh what a night!" Marlene sang along happily as she grabbed Lily's hands and started to dance with her. The red-headed girl laughed and twirled Marlene around. James watched them with a smile.

Eleanor walked up to him and mudged him with her elbow. "Go dance with her," she said.

James raised an eyebrow at her and snorted. "I can't even dance, and besides she probably doesn't even want to," he replied.

The next song started. "You don't know if you don't try," Eleanor eyed him from the side, sipping on her drink. James bit his lip and bounced his leg, all the while looking at Lily.

He sighed. "Fine, I'll just-"

But he stopped talking when Eleanor gave him a little push so he stumbled forward in Lily's direction. He looked back over his shoulder and glares at her. Eleanor grinned and winked.

She watched him as he went over to her and tapped on her shoulder, just like he did on her birthday. Lily turned around and they talked. A big smile formed on Eleanor's face when Lily nodded and James nervously ran a hand through his hair.

He grabbed her hand and put the other on her waist as Lily held on to his shoulder. The two swayed to the beat of a song Eleanor didn't recognize.

"Impressive," said a voice beside her. Eleanor grinned up at her boyfriend.

Eleanor leaned against his shoulder. "He just needed a little push," she joked.


The Hogwarts Express slowed down as it entered King's Cross Station. They all slowly gathered their stuff amd got up. They looked like a horde of zombies, having studied almost every day the past month, something the boys in particular weren't used to at all. But they were happy to do it to ensure they could have a relaxed Easter Holiday.

Eleanoe swung her bag over her shoulder and stepped onto the platform. She immediately spotted her parents and waved.

"Have a good holiday!" Kathy yeleld to them.

"See ya!" Doris said.

The fifth-year girls brought Amelia, Eleanor and the boys into a hug and then split off. Eleanor said goodbye to Amelia who met up with her mum to go home. Peter waved goodbye and promised to write.

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