Απόλλων: apollo

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Lena looked to the horizon and saw a slight glint in the distance. She squinted, looking towards the setting sun. As the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon took over the sky, Lena heard a rumbling coming towards them. She looked at the road and saw a car approaching them, the headlights bright in the distance. Lena frowned, it wasn't abnormal for cars to be driving this late, but on a stretch of freeway in the middle of nowhere, it wasn't common either.

As the car got closer, Lena saw it slowing down. She blinked before walking back over to the group, where they were all watching the car come to a stop next to their smoking piece of metal. Lena prayed that the Mist would obscure the car so to a human's eyes it was fine and maybe had a flat tire or something.

A nice looking sports car pulled up next to them. Lena raised an eyebrow at the man who stepped out of the car. "Apollo." She said, bowing her head slightly, recognizing her father from the last time they had met. The god smiled at his daughter.

"Lena. You called?" He said with a mischievous smile. Lena nodded, glancing at her friends who all seemed to be a little in awe of the sun god. Alex, Winn, and Maggie were all trying to keep their jaws from falling to the floor, while Mon-El and Kara kept their composure a bit better.

"Lord Apollo." Alex bowed her head in respect. The others following suit. The sun god just laughed, waving them off.

"You don't need to "Lord Apollo" me, Alex Danvers. Your mom might want respect like that from her children and their friends, but don't mind me. You're all my nieces and nephews anyway." He chuckled. Alex looked a little... almost offended at Apollo's nonchalant attitude about the entire thing, but knew better than to open her mouth of protest.

"You're Lena's dad," Kara said nervously. Apollo turned his attention to the young daughter of Zeus, seemingly appraising her, looking her once over. Lena could see some scrutiny in his eyes, though she didn't know what for. He gazed at her, his deep blue eyes trained on Kara. Lena unconsciously moved closer to Kara, a little protectively, grabbing the blonde's hand in hers. Kara wrapped their fingers together, holding on to Lena's hand a little bit tighter than she normally would. Lena could tell Kara was nervous under Apollo's gaze.

But after a minute or two, he turned to the rest of the group, glancing over them, not lingering on any of them the way he had Kara, before turning back to Lena. "What did you need, kiddo?" Lena glanced over at their car.

"I was hoping maybe you had the time to get us to San Francisco. Or at least help us get to Lincoln, I could probably cover it from there." She said, thinking if he could get them to the city, she could probably just buy a car there. Apollo leaned back against his car, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"You know, your," He gestured in Kara's direction, "dear old dad doesn't want any of us interfering in this quest. He said it's too dangerous for us to get involved, lest we risk breaking the treaty." He informed the group. Lena felt her shoulders sag. That was what she was afraid of.

"But you wouldn't have answered Lena's prayer if you weren't at least considering helping us." Mon-El piped up. Apollo chuckled, nodding slightly in the son of Ares' direction.

"Quite right Mon-El. Of course, you are right." He pushed himself up, walking up to Lena, whose hand was still gripping onto Kara's hand. He placed his right hand on her shoulder. "You know. Don't tell your siblings, but you're my favorite." He said with a wink. Lena felt a slight tug in her heart. She had honestly never had a parental figure, even one as mysterious as Apollo tell her that she was their favorite. Lillian held a great deal of disdain for Lena. And while she was obviously Lionel's favorite, he never really told her as such. It was more of an implied relationship. She felt a slight feeling of pride swell in her chest.

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