νύχτα: night

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Everyone was getting weary at the twelve-hour mark so the group decided to stop in Indianapolis for the night. They had made impressive progress for their first day, not running into any monsters or other issues. They had stopped twice on the road in Pennsylvania and another time in Ohio for pits stops. The group tumbling out of the back seat to stretch their legs and for Kara to get food. Lena always tagged along with Kara as the blonde always got an impressive amount of snacks at each stop.

"I swear Kara, I don't understand how you stay so thin!" Lena exclaimed as Kara had bought a few bags of chips to add to the other snacks she had gotten at the previous rest area. She just shrugged.

"High metabolism? I guess." She said, paying the man at the counter before the two walked back to the car. Winn, as well as Maggie and Alex, had gone to the restroom and Mon-El was exploring the sights around the area.

"Well, you're a lucky one." Lena bemoaned, though she had been sharing Kara's food in the car anyway. Maggie had teased Kara a few times over it during their trip.

"Hey Little Danvers, I've never seen you willing to share food," Maggie said, looking back at Kara who just pouted.

"Lena is a special exception," She shot back, resting her chin on Lena's shoulder. Lena laughed but felt a slight happy tug at her stomach.

"I'm flattered, Kara." She whispered, turning her head slightly so she could whisper in Kara's ear. She thought she saw Kara's face blush a slight shade of pink.

The pair reached the car, deciding to hop up on the trunk together, wanting to enjoy the sunlight. Lena had always felt a bit more at home in the sun, despite her pale skin and now she knew why. Being a daughter of the sun god, basking in the sun like a cat seemed normal.

"What do you think we'll find?" Kara asked, opening one of the bags of chips and offering it to Lena. The freshman accepted a handful, looking thoughtfully at Kara.

"In San Francisco?" She asked for clarification and Kara nodded. She just shrugged.

"I don't know. We could find nothing at all. Zeus could just be paranoid. But..." Lena paused, her dreams coming back to her. There was something about them that had set her on edge. Made her think that they and the quest were connected. "But it would probably be foolish to think that. The Gods sent us on this quest for a reason. If we come back empty handed, then that's okay. But if I've learned anything as a Luthor it's that it's better to be safe than sorry." She said, eating one of the chips she had taken from the bag.

"I guess you're right. I guess I'm just hoping that it'll be nothing and that we'll all come home in one piece." She said.

"You're not homesick already are you?" Lena teased, poking Kara's side. The blonde jumped a little and stuck her tongue out at Lena.

"No! It's not even been 24 hours yet. I just..." Kara trailed off. "I want everyone to be okay. I know we haven't run into trouble yet, but my gut keeps telling me that something is going to go wrong." Kara admitted sadly. Lena softened her gaze, wrapping her free arm around Kara's shoulders.

"It's going to be okay Kara. We'll all be fine. If anyone should be worried, it's probably me. I've had the least amount of training of the six of us." Lena joked. Kara frowned.

"Yeah, but that's why you have us. We've all got your back." Kara insisted. Lena smiled, squeezing Kara's shoulder.

"I know you do. That's why I wanted you guys to come. I can trust that you'll back me up when I need it." The two stared into each other's eyes for a couple of minutes in silence. They were jolted out of their own little world by Maggie's voice.

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