μια αναζήτηση: a quest

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"So, what have you been up to?" Mon-El asked. Lena blinked and shifted uncomfortably, not exactly sure how to pitch to her friends that she was supposed to lead a quest. She bit her lip, trying to wrack her brains. Kara, thankfully, saved her.

"You don't need to answer him," Kara said, giving Mon-El a sharp look, the man rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly under Kara's gaze. "That's none of our business if you don't want to share," Kara said, obviously aware of Lena's hesitance previously. Lena shot Kara a grateful look.

"It's nothing important." Lena brushed it off, chickening out. Which in retrospect was probably a bad idea since she was eventually going to have to tell them. Kara nodded.

The three friends chatted about classes and their upcoming weekend plans together until the bell dinged signaling the end of the period and signaling the start of another. Lena and Mon-El got up from the bench, Mon-El pulling Lena in for a hug before he had to head to his Advanced Swordsmanship II class. Kara smiled as he left, turning to Lena and hugging her tightly. "I'll see you at dinner?" Kara asked and Lena nodded before the two friends parted ways to their respective classes.


Lena sat down at her usual place in between Kara and Maggie at dinner. Maggie elbowed Lena gently. "Hey, how did your meeting with J'onn go?" She asked her friend. Alex also turned her attention to the freshman. Lena sighed.

"I... I really don't want to talk about it," Lena said, wanting to process before she told her friends. Maggie gave Lena a concerned look.

"Are you sure?" Maggie pressed. And Lena nodded curtly, suddenly not feeling very hungry. Her stomach was in knots, thinking about her meeting with the headmaster earlier. Lena shifted uncomfortably, getting up from the table.

"I'm not really feeling that well, I think I'm going to go get some air," Lena announced.

"Do you want company?" Kara asked her friend, moving to stand up too. Lena shook her head.

"No." She said sharply. A little bit harsher than she had intended. She couldn't bring herself to see the look of hurt she knew was probably on Kara's face and walked off quickly. Kara made to follow her, but Maggie grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"Leave her Kara. Let her have her space." Maggie implored. Kara huffed, but nodded, sitting back down, watching Lena walk out of the cafeteria, wishing that she could follow her friend. She wanted to be there for the girl that she was starting to develop strong feelings for.


Lena stood in front of the brazier, throwing in a bit of food, looking up at the sky. "Please, tell me what to do." Lena prayed silently. She walked off towards the middle of campus and decided to sit on the grass and watch the sunset.

How was she, a newbie halfblood, to lead one of the most important quests of the time? Lena sits back on the grass, propping herself up on her hands. "You're my daughter for a reason you know." Lena yelped at the sudden voice. She hadn't heard anyone approach her. A muscular man was sitting next to her, sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She knew from just his words alone that this was Apollo.

"Lord Apollo," Lena said carefully. She knew better than to disrespect gods, even if he was her father. The god just laughed.

"Apollo is fine Lena. I'm not one for titles and formality." He said with a shrug. "So, what is this about not knowing what to do?" He asked the girl. Lena sighed.

"I'm only 18. I'm one of the newest halfbloods here. And you're sending me on a quest to spy on the Titans." Lena said uncomfortably. Apollo nodded.

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