Episode 1: Densetsu! Bellerophon's Rise!

Start from the beginning

"Uh... heh heh? S-sorry." Batal would say sheepishly, his face going red out of embarrassment. "Sometimes I get a bit too eager when it comes to beyblade." 

Analyzing Batal, the Roc Blader's eyebrow would raise, a confused yet still slightly angered look on his face as he pointed to Batal. "You think Roc is cool, huh?" He would ask, his lips suddenly curling upwards in an arrogant grin before he held the bey out in a challenging manner. "You're a blader, right kid? 

"My name's Batal," Batal would say in a cheery tone, still grinning with excitement.

"Batal, huh? All right then: how 'bout you get to witness the overwhelming power of my bey!" 

Grinning in response, Batal's eagerness apparent as he held out his own bey: A Yellow and Green First Uranus Charge 2D, to accept the challenge from the Roc blader. Whipping out his launcher from a small holster on his belt, Batal attached his bey to his launcher, twisting it counter clockwise until a click was heard. "Bring it on! I'll mop the floor with you!"

At this, the Roc blader's  arrogant grin would become malicious as he kept his bey held out. "When I take you down in one hit, tell everyone that Rin Avara and his Indomitable Roc sent ya flying!" The Roc Blader, Rin, would say arrogantly, obviously trying to get under Batal's skin as he attached his Densetsu bey onto his launcher, a red and orange DT customized launcher that consisted of a setup similar to that of the standard Sparking Launcher, though with some noticeable differences and tweaks. What was specifically noticed was the usage of a ripcord instead of a string. Ripcord launchers were notorious for being used by bladers with incredibly strong launches, as Batal had noted that both Drum Koryu and the infamous Phi utilized them occasionally. Batal's eager grin would still be etched on his face as Rin attached Roc to his launcher before shifting into a "fighting stance," keeping his launcher in his left hand to signify a right handed launching style. "This'll be over in a few strikes," Rin would retort, the 5 bladed defense type, Roc, shimmering slightly as Rin revealed his setup. Batal hadn't seen the disc before, though he was familiar with the driver: Screech. Screech, though rare, was a very useful driver in defense and spin Equalization combos, being a combination of the Orbit and Zone drivers for excellent defensive and counterattack potential. It would be at this moment Gigi and Iki would catch up to Batal, both panting tiredly as Iki looked up to notice their friend.

"Look! There he is!" Iki would yell between his tired panting, pointing towards the yellow and green haired blader. "What the?! He's battling now?!"

"What?! That numbskull! The match is in twenty five minutes, and we still haven't checked in! Heck, the stadium is still 10 blocks away!" Gigi would yell out, attempting to rush over and pull Batal away from the stadium, though would slow down, panting out of being incredibly tired. Beside her, Iki would take another puff of his inhaler to help with his asthma. It was too late though. The countdown already started.

"THREE!" Both bladers would call out, Batal in a similar launch stance to Valt Aoi's original launching style while Rin remained upright , instead punching his left hand forwards while bringing his right back before shifting his launching hand forwards, clenching around the ripcord as he let out a snarl. "TWO!" With Batal remaining in his launch position, angling his launch slightly, Rin would squat slightly, bending his knees before shoving himself off the ground, lashing out with a kicking motion in midair as he tugged at the ripcord, unleashing Roc from his launcher. "ONE! GOOO SHOOT!" Both bladers would yell out, a small flurry of yellow sparks coming from Batal's launcher as Rin's suddenly glowed with orange light from the LED in the launcher, a flash of the bey's avatar, a large armored bird, would glow red-orange akin to an MFB Facebolt, which was one of the defining factors of the new system. This was a Blazing shoot, which required incredibly powerful launch strength to perform. Upon closer inspection, Roc's casing, which was considered to be an add on that added in extra gimmicks to a Densetsu bey, revealed a 5 bladed setup akin to the Paradox disc, the blades facing downwards and encircling around the disc. Roc and Uranus would  land in the stadium, with Roc immediately moving to claim the center, an orange trail of light following it as it moved around the stadium's slope, taking the center with ease.

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