Chapter Eighteen: Snatcher's Ascension

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The girls are now in Winnie's room as (Name) tries to think of something that'll help her friend with their dog whining and trying to cheer up Winnie. "We have to do something."

Winnie groans turning away from the dog. "It's over, they're doomed and father is still all about cheese."

"What's that?" (Name) goes to the balcony and hears Snatcher’s amplified voice as it booms out of a scratchy  loudspeaker and through the sleepy morning streets, rousing the townsfolk.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! Good citizens of Cheesebridge, come out of your homes! The curfew has been lifted!" Snatcher rides atop the giant mecha drill as it lumbers up the winding streets towards Market Square. Trout and Pickles follow behind, with Mr. Gristle riding the  back of the Mecha Drill.

"Snatcher... we're all doomed." Winnie says appearing beside her sister.

"Fear not, the monsters have been  vanquished! Your streets are SAFE!"

Mr. Gristle yells very menacingly. "SAAAFE!" Trout and Pickles walk along behind the machine, amongst the gathering crowd, worried.

The townspeople smile in relief and wonder, and step out of  their doors. They begin to follow after the mecha drill.

"Join me! Your purger of pests! Your white knight who has taken back the  night!" As Snatcher continues his ascension, all kinds of townspeople, women, children, rush to join the parade.

The Mecha Drill’s heavy iron legs smash into the cobblestones as  it walks up the hill. The crowd arrives at the stairs of the guild with the mecha box. Snatcher beams with pride as he calls out through the  whiney loudspeaker.

"Lord Portley-Riiiiind!" The door cracks open and Lord Portley-Rind looks out. "I come bearing the most delightful  news."

"Good Lord." Winnie says in annoyance at the loud sound she's hearing.

"I hope Eggs is okay."

The girls' father blinks in amazement at the scene before him- Snatcher atop a giant machine, a huge expectant crowd around him. "Mr. Snatcher, what the devil is this?"

Snatcher chuckles triumphantly. "Show him lads." The Redhats release the crushed boxes from the cage fan out dramatically at the foot of the stairs.

"No substances can be seen." (Name) says tapping her chin as she watches from the balcony with her sister leaning on her shoulder while lazily patting Winter the dog.

"Flattened to extinction. Every last, slimy one of them." The crowd applauds.

"Are you saying they're alive?" Winnie hopefully asks, watching the scene unfold.


"Your lordship, I said I would not rest until I caught every last boxtroll and I am a man of my word." He hits a switch and the mechanical arm swings around to present Eggs, wearing the evil-boxtroll costume Mr. Gristle wore in the Madame Frou Frou show.

The mask covers Eggs’ face  and his hands are bound behind his box. His feet and hands are covered with grotesque claws. "With this boxtroll, I will end  their reign of terror."

"EGGS!" The two girls yell out his name coming in a realization that he was indeed, the said boy.

"I’d say that deserves a white hat, don’t you?" The crowd cheers.

The crowd yells that Snatcher is their hero as Lord Portley-Rind steps nervously forward. "Yes, well. I’m not sure... We’d have to take a vote... The crowd begins chanting loudly."


The Redhats stand with the crowd, Gristle chanting along with them. Pickles and Trout look uncomfortable. 

"There’s probably some, uh,  paperwork... then have a hat  shipped in..." Snatcher moves the machine forward, dangling the 'boxtroll' out front, daring Portley-Rind to deny the mob.

"No. Methinks a deed of this magnitude deserves something a bit more... significant." Portley-Rind stares up at him blankly. "I want YOUR hat."

"My hat?" Snatcher looks appealingly back at the crowd, who are good and riled up.

"WHITE HAT! WHITE HAT! WHITE HAT!" The crowd moves forward, pressing closer to the Cheese Guild  stairs. They continue calling for Lord Portley-Rind’s hat.



Lord Portley-Rind gestures to the crowd to calm down. He speaks through gritted teeth. "All right. All right. As soon as that boxtroll is dead, you may have... my... hat." Lord Portley-Rind casts down his eyes, beaten.

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