Chapter Fifteen: Party

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Under the market square at night, (Name) opens the manhole, looks around the crawls out followed by Eggs and Winnie with her hair frazzled from the tube ride. The dog had to find another way around.

They climb the Guild stairs together. (Name) fixes her clothes while Winnie pats down her hair as Eggs lopes past then like a nervous boxtroll. He wipes his nose with the back of his hand, wipes it on his pants,  adjusting his disguise as he reaches for the door handle. 

Winnie shrieks seeing what the boy is doing. "STOP!" Eggs stops, eyes wide. Winnie pushes him away from the door. They stop in front of the tall guild door. Sounds of party guests can be heard. Winnie turns to Eggs. "You don’t scratch there in public! That’s why they’re called... privates."


"Don't worry, no one saw." (Name) turns to the two giving them her knowledge. "For this is to work, there are a few things you need to know. When you meet someone, you must look them in the eye and shake hands."

Eggs opens his eyeballs stupidly wide and wiggled his hands in the air like a lunatic. (Name) chuckles at this but Winnie is nowhere near amused. "What are you doing?! Put those down! She pulls his hands down."

"Alright. Winnie demonstrate." (Name) says wanting to see her sister teach". Like this." Eggs puts his left hand out and she slaps it away. "The other one."

"Oh, right." Winnie shoves his hand into hers- a proper shake.

"Then you say." Winnie changes her tone into a snobbish one. "It’s a pleasure to meet you."

Eggs impersonates Winnie’s snobbish voice. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

"And you say that even if you’re not pleased to meet them." Eggs looks confused, but nods yes anyway. A look of doubt comes over Winnie’s face.

"Just stick close, okay?"

"Don't worry too much, Winnie. He'll do fine."

"What if he doesn't?"

"Eggsbert, will do fine." (Name) turns to the boy. "Won't you? Eggsbert."

"Eggsbert?" The two younger kids asked.

"Yes, Eggsbert." With that (Name) turns back to the double doors, opens it and the elegant sound of chamber  music and civilized conversation pours out. The girl enters with Winnie and Eggs following her, standing tall and straight like a stiff little wooden soldier. Eggs stares  around, curious.

"Which one is your father?"

"Lord Portley-Rind. He’s usually  making speeches about cheese." The trio then start to search the crowd for Lord Portley-Rind until Lady Cynthia spots them.

"Oh, (Name)! Winifred!" The sisters stop, force a smile as Eggs ducks down and covers his head.

"Hello, mommy dear." The girls' mother, lady Cynthia a high strung, slender stick of a woman appears.

She notices Eggs who is still ducking and covering himself. "Oh. Who is this?" Eggs peeks out from under his hands and looks up, timidly.

"I’m Eggs?"

Winnie interruptions the boy. "Eggsbert. Is a normal  name... that he has."

Lady Cynthia looks flustered, but tries to keep up  appearances. "Eggsbert. How nice, I... umm, adore names from the bible." Lady Cynthia reaches for the girls' hands, but Eggs suddenly grabs and shakes it vigorously.

"Its a pleasure to meet you."

Winnie winces while (Name) facepalms but looks amused at the scene. Lady Cynthia is flustered as Eggs continues to wiggle her arm about.

Winnie whispers to Eggs. "No, no. You kiss a lady’s hand." Winnie makes kiss sounds on the back of her hand and nudges her sister when she hears her chuckle.

Eggs releases Lady Cynthia. She gasps and straightens, taking Winnie’s hand when (Name) avoids it. "Darlings, it’s time to take off that dress and... burn it. Come (Name)! We have to fix you both." Lady Cynthia drags Winnie away.

(Name) turns to Eggs and pats him on the shoulder. "Don’t move. We’ll be right back."

"But which ones are the ladies?!"

"The one's with dresses." (Name) quickly follows her mother when she hears her name being called. She goes next to her mother and sister who waited for her above the steps.

Their mother leads them to the dressing room. "Come now, (Name), we need to dress you up. Maybe you'll find a husband."

"I'm too young for that, mother." (Name) says as the maids change her clothes into a gown.

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