Chapter Six: Madame Frou Frou

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In the Market square, everyone hushes as a too enthusiastic carnival barker's voice from behind the curtain introduces the act. "Ladies and gents, From the longlost land of Crackerslovakia- MADAME FROU FROU!"

The woman titled Madame Frou Frou bursts through the curtains. She's a big, sexy, voluptuous woman, exotic in a weird Eastern European Mae West kind of way. She greets in a high-pitched lady-voice. "Helloooo Cheesebridge! Hello darlinks! Thank you! Thank you! My  darlinks!"

"Yoo hoo! I’m your biggest fan, Frou Frou." The Lord from beside (Name) yells causing her to cover her ears in annoyance. She's with Winnie and a very bored Lady Cynthia Portley-Rind hearing as Lord Portley-Rind and the White Hats call from their exclusive podium in the center of the crowd.

"Lord Portley-Rind, you are TOO much." Madame Frou Frou flirts. "Or maybe just enough! Rowrr!"

Frou Frou gives him a wink as Lady Portley-Rind elbows him in the stomach. "Oof. Very good." With that Frou Frou takes center stage.

"Today I shall perform ze sad tale of ze Trubshaw baby! But first, I need a helper from ze audience!" Winnie jumps up and down, waving her hand enthusiastically.

She raises hand, jumps. "Me! Pick me! Me!"

Madame Frou Frou pretends not to see Winnie. "Anyone? Anyone at all? Nobody?"

"Excuse me, I’d like to-" A boy says but Winnie roughly elbows him out of the way and her sister with her dog helps him up while keeping up with her sister so she won't be in any danger. "Move aside! Pick me..." Winnie climbs up on stage without being asked.

Madame Frou Frou falsely welcomes the girl. "Ah! Little Miss Portley-Rind, you shall play ze sweet little baby  Trubshaw." Frou Frou gives Winnie a bonnet.

"Me and my sister saw a boy with boxtrolls last night! Ask her! Maybe your audience would like to hear- OOF!" Frou Frou shoves a pacifier in Winnie’s mouth and scoots her  behind the curtains.

"Stick to ze script, my darlink!" Frou Frou walks to the barrel organ and turns the brass handle. Once it is wound, she takes her place at center stage, a fan poised coyly over her face.
"Ten years ago a plot was hatched
Where evil was with cunning matched
Whoever left their doors unlatched
Would find their infant children snatched
By Boxtrolls."

'Now that she mentions it... could the boy we saw be the baby?' (Name) being a theorist she is thought with her pointer finger on her chin. 'I better investigate about this.' She turns to her white furred dog beside her and scratches behind his ear.

"What?!" (Name) hears from the crowd causing her to turn around to identify that person who seemingly disagree with the story but being short she is, she didn't see Eggs who was shocked at what he's hearing.

"Oo no Boxtrolls." Frou Frou sings and Winnie and Mr. Pickles, without his red hat and wearing a fake mustache, come dancing out on stage as Papa Trubshaw and Baby Trubshaw. Pickles struggles to pick up Winnie and hold  her like a baby.
"Trubshaw Senior loved his kid
The same as regular father's did
If you don't want to share his
Make sure that you are locked up
From Boxtrolls"

Winnie dances in place and pretends to sleep as Pickles walks off stage.
"For this night Baby's Dad Trubshaw
Quite forgot to lock his door
And as soon as he began to snore
The Boxtrolls came in to withdraw
Poor Baby
Those vile Boxtrolls"

A trap door opens in the stage floor and Mr. Gristle climbs out dressed in a crude boxtroll costume made from papiermâché. Gristle then growls like a monster.
"So lock your windows, bolt your
Or Boxtrolls with their creepy
Will take your children in their 
paws And drag them down to feed their 

The crowd hisses except for (Name) who questions if this What really happened as Gristle grabs Winnie and pushes her down the trap! Gristle makes chomping and nom nom sounds. "RAWR!" Pickles runs onto the stage melodramatically pantomiming a heart-broken father searching for his missing child.
"Mister Trubshaw went quite wild
When he found out he'd lost his
child He did what any
Dad would do
He ran off swiftly to pursue those

Mr. Gristle returns and stalks Pickles from behind- The frighten crowd yells "No!"  "Behind you!" "Look out man! He’s behind you!" -And, a bit too enthusiastically, shoves Pickles down through trap door.

"Help, help, help me please won't you?
But the Boxtrolls did what 
Boxtrolls do
They snatched him up and began to 
Until there was no residue
Of Trubshaw."

Mr. Trout throws an arm full of papier-mâché bones onto the stage. Gristle picks one up, shoves it into his papier mâché  jaws and taunts the audience like a villainous professional wrestler. 
"They pulled him down into their 
Hardly pausing to digest
They left his bones but ate the 
Never be a dinner guest
Of Boxtrolls
Oo those Boxtrolls."

"Booooo!" The crowd yells and (Name) shakes her head then tries to leave and beside her she hears someone say, "But she’s lying." Causing her to look around with the help of her dog but with this amount of crowd she thought they might to talking about something else so she resumes leaving the crowd with her trusty dog following her.

"And that's the story of the 
Trubshaw kid
Don't do what Father Trubshaw did
If you see Boxtrolls don't placate 
Catch 'em and exterminate them

Frou Frou wallops Gristle with her fan. The crowd cheers her on as she beats the crap out of him in a not-very-ladylike fashion. The crowd is whipped into a frenzy! "Kill those Boxtrolls!"

(Name) is crushed by the furious crowd as they chant along with Madame Frou Frou and finally she leaves when her sister who was led by the dog, pulls her out. "Glad you're having fun."

"But... they didn't listen to me..." (Name) rubs her sister's back as Winter brings them a ball he found to try to cheer them up. Winnie smiles taking the ball and throwing it so the dog can retrieve it.

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