Nodding my head to show that I understood, he continued. "Rule two, being my second does not give you free reign to do whatever you want, when ever you want. You are a representative of myself, treat others with respect and you shall expect respect in return."

He waited for me to nod again before continuing, to show that I indeed understood his words. "Rule three, you will train with everything you have and always give one hundred percent. Never give up and I will never give up on you." He finished speaking as we got to the elevator, and started to descend.

I took his words to heart. I vowed to myself I would make him proud, and I will. No matter what it took to accomplish.

All too soon the elevator reached the ground floor and we began our trek to the training grounds. Soon I began to hear the clashing of steel and the thud of things hitting wood. Turning the corner I was greeted with the sight of a dozen, or maybe more, kids and teens sparing with eachother and dummies.

I couldn't peel my eyes away, I seemed to have that problem alot lately I realized. They were all of varying ages, the oldest seemed to be about sixteen-ish and the youngest looked to be around seven.

"These are the Natblida, James. Nightblood, they are the ones who have the opportunity to be the Heda once my fight is over." He said while evaluating each Natblida, his eyes sweeping over each of their forms.

I watched them and I couldn't help but feel intimidated a little bit. I've never even picked up a weapon before and these kids have all probably been trained since birth. Looking at each of them swing a weapon, I wouldn't be surprised if they came out of the womb with it.

"Who's the best here, Heda?" I asked curiously. He chuckled lightly at my words.

"That is a very vague question young James and only proves to show me that you have much to learn." He spoke quietly. His words only seemed to make me feel depressed. "Don't feel bad James, you have much to learn and I have much to teach you. Your question was poor because, it simply can't be answered with one name."

I was confused but I wanted to understand what he meant so I nodded along with his words, completely engrossed with what he was saying.

"For example, Titan over there, he is the eldest and the strongest. He fights with a large battle axe, much like myself. He is fierce with it, and not many can beat him. However, he does get beaten. His style is very predictable and slow, but if one where to get hit by him it would be their end."

I started to understand what he was saying, while they each had their own strengths, they each had their own weaknesses. Where they were now, they still had plenty of room to grow and learn... adapt and evolve their fighting styles till it was a masterpiece.

So, I posed my next question. "I think I understand more now Heda. So who at the moment has the most adapted and flexible fighting style?"

He was very pleased with my question and his eyes seemed to get an excited glint in them before answering. "Her" He said, pointing towards a little girl about nine to ten years old. The girl was wielding dual wooden swords and wearing light leather armor similar to mine, she had light brown hair and grayish blue eyes.

At the moment the girl was ruthlessly taking down an older boy with a flurry of attacks with her swords. Sweeping her leg out she managed to take the boys legs out from under him and send him to the ground. Smacking away the boys sword, she pointed the tip of her sword at his throat, signaling his defeat.

I was astonished by what I just seen, I wanted, no... needed to learn how to fight like that if I wanted to make Heda proud. "What is her name?" I asked still in absolute awe by her victory.

"Her name is Lexa, and she at the moment is the second most promising Natblida, right behind Luna." He said with pride in his voice, one day I hope that he will talk about me in the same voice.

She was only the second most promising? This Luna must be an absolutely monster because Lexa is absolutely amazing. "Where is Luna at?" I asked, eager to see her.

Matthew looked around for a bit before shaking his head exasperatedly. "It looks like she skipped out on training again, if this keeps up she might not survive the conclave." He said tiredly, rubbing his forehead as if hoping to dissuade an approaching headache.

Conclave? What is a conclave I wondered, and you could die in it? "What is the conclave, Heda?" I asked, using his title to get used to saying it.

"The conclave is how the next Heda is decided. The Natblidas will be released into the city and they will have to fight to the death in a free for all." He said, with a sad look in his eyes. I assumed that he was thinking back on the time he himself was participating in the conclave.

The idea was a little barbaric to him but this was their culture, their way of life. It wasn't his place to judge them, so he didn't. "I see" I replied quietly.

Snapping out of his stupor, Heda rubbed his hands together excitedly.

"Now, let's go find you a weapon."

AN: I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far, I understand that it isn't that well written but like I said, it's my first fanifiction but I do appreciate any constructive criticism anyone has for me.

So, weapons. I always figured that the night bloods chose their weapons by personal preference. That being said, what weapons would you guys want to see him use? I had a few ideas, a spear or a single handed sword. But I want to hear what you guys think, please, let me know and I thank you all for your time!

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