He is out of his mind. "Where are you from?" he opened his mouth to answer but I continued. "USA? UK? Australia? Or... New Zealand? No nah. So why are you behaving like that?"


"It's okay Vansh. I know you don't belong to this planet but we have a big heart. We accept everyone, so don't be shy and come."

We reached the stand. I ordered coco water for me and one for the alien next to me. I turned toward the car and signed for Shikar to join us and get another coco water for him too.

Vansh hesitated to drink and I looked at his driver. "Sir. I have a question."

He nodded to me to continue while drinking the water.

"Do you remember where Mr. and Mrs. Raisinghania found this guy here?" I indicated Vansh.

I smiled looking at Vansh but didn't answer.

"And was he like this from the very beginning or did he accidently fall and get his head injured?"

"I am right here Kabir." Vansh protested.

"I know." I laughed and noticed he hadn't started to drink. "Oh my God! You are unbelievable. Give it to me that thing." I took the coco from him and tasted it. "See, no poison, no death threat and no risk." I gave it back to him. "Come on. Now drink it. It's tasty."

He obeyed and put the straw in his mouth.

"How's it?" I asked.

"Hm... not bad." Okay he liked it.

I thanked the man and gave him back the empty cocos. I was going to take my purse out of my back pocket but Vansh was faster then. He holded his card to the man. The man first watched him and then to the card and he repeated his action another time. "I don't expect a card."

I took my purse and gave the money to the guy. Vansh seemed disappointed by me paying for the drink. "It's alright Vansh, you'll pay the treat some other time." he looked at me surprisingly. "I mean if there will be a next time." I lowered my eyes.

"Alright, my PA will let you know the next date." he smiled.

"I will mail you if that will be okay." we both laughed.

Shekhar went back to the car and also we were about to leave when an old aunty came with a baby in her hand all tired.

"Do you need anything?" I asked her. She nodded and handed me her bag and put the baby in Vansh's arm.

"My daughter forgot her purse in a shop so she went to collect it and handed her kid to me. So while waiting I thought to walk until the bus stop but I guess I am losing my stamina and getting old." she huffed.

I took a coco and gave it to her and then I noticed it. Vansh was holding the baby in front of him, like a science lab risky experiment. And had a scrunchy face. "Vansh, you don't hold the baby like that." I whispered.

He looked at me with lost eyes. "Hmm? Yeah... I mean..."

"Son, aren't you married yet?" the lady asked.

We both turned our faces to her. "No." Vansh said.

"I can see that. But it's high time now I guess. And plus you will have some baby training too."

I suppressed my laughter and nodded. "You are right auntie. I also think that because once you are over forty, it's very difficult to find a good life partner and there are complications in having babies." I handed the bag to Vansh and got the baby from him.

"I am not forty." he protested.

"Yeah but in a few years you will be forty." I joked.

"No! I have a lot more time than a few years."

"Okay but don't have experience with babies."

"Of course I have. Give him back to me and I'll show you." he put the bag down and took the baby from me. But as soon as he had him, he started to cry. "Hey. Don't cry." he almost ordered.

"He is not Angre, Vansh. You can't order him. You have to make him stop crying."

"Yeah I know." I started to walk around with the baby but nothing happened. I took him back from Vansh and tried to calm him and surprisingly it worked. After a few minutes the old lady's daughter returned and thanked us for the help. We left them and went toward the car.

"How...Where did you learn that?" Vansh asked.

"Learned what?"


"Oh that. We had some cases where parents are killed and the babies are handed to us for their safety. It's not that we baby-sit them but we do get attached to them and go to meet them sometimes in the NGOs. So yes. I am not an expert but I love kids and I know how to hold them at least."

"Hey, I was surprised okay?"


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