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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based on and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


The dirt fell into his eyes as he clawed his way out through rock and sand. He coughed, crawling out after what felt like eons, from the mound of debris that he tried to shelter Tyla from. Tyla?! He panted, forcing himself out from the rubble and turning back to dig her out. He grasped at the heaps of the earth, pushing them out of the way until he saw his girlfriend. His back sore and his arms already starting to sport bruises, he took the brunt of the impact but any more time underneath the rock and Tyla would asphyxiate.

"Tyla? Honey?" He called. "Tyla! I'm getting you out. Chloe! Chloe, come help me!" He raised his voice, hoping his shouts would spur the other woman if she was able to give herself cover. But there was no response. Instead, he was met with silence. Was she okay? He turned around, finding himself alone. "Where'd you go, Chloe?" He mused, getting up. He looked over to where he saw her last, near a giant hunk of rock but she wasn't there. There was only her cell phone as evidence of ever being in the caves with her. Lex tilted his head in curiosity. He took a few steps forward and knelt to pick up the dusty orange phone.

"Where'd you go, Chloe?" he repeated, looking up. Behind the slab of rock was the opening that he sought so hard to find. It was as if it was always there. He narrowed his eyes as he straightened up again and walked into the cavern. It led to a small chamber. In the middle of the chamber was a grey stone octagonal table. It stood clear, free of sand and dust. As Lex approached it, he could see inscriptions similar to his map and the stones scroll down in eight lines, each reaching to one side. He tossed Chloe's phone on the stone table and traced his fingers at the symbols. In the middle of the table, a smaller octagonal shape was etched with eight more symbols. In its center were the symbols of the three stones that he had searched for.

He reached forward, drawn to a slab jutting out from the table. He wiggled it, gingerly with his fingers and pulled it out. The slab was curiously also octagonal with three symbols. Lex brought it close to see. It wasn't stone. It was too smooth to the touch. It was like a cross between cement and metal. It had a reflection that glinted at his face. Suddenly, he heard a faint whooshing noise behind him and turned around to see two figures standing there. One was a female with long black hair, tied back into a ponytail. The other was a darker-skinned male who stared at Lex with an almost glossy look.

"Officers, everything's under control here," he started to say. "But my girlfriend is in tro-"

"He has the key," the female interrupted him. She extended her hand out and Lex felt his hand moved forward. As if slipping from his fingers by invisible string, the disk flew gracefully into the woman's hand. He looked from his hand to hers as she closed her fingers around it. He took a step forward. They weren't here to help him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Are you Kal-El?" The male decided to question him back.

Two could play that game. "Who wants to know?"

The man walked over. Lex could see that his glossy gaze was in fact because he was blind. Before he could add another quip, the darker man grasped his throat with superhuman speed and force. Lex grunted as fingers closed in tight at his jugular. He could feel nails digging into the skin, drawing blood. From the corner of his eye, he saw the female stalk around them so that she was behind Lex.

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