I was snapped back when I heard Beomgyu call me from a distance. I saw that he had already reached the arrival port of the airport and was waiting at the gate. I shook my head of these thoughts and smiled while I went towards my baby bear.

If nothing, like I said earlier, live in the present. Reminisce all good things after they only remain as a memory, not while making the memory. I reminded myself as I wrapped my arm around Beomgyu, securing him safely beside me. the airport being unusually crowded today.

"what were you thinking about?" the bear asked as I only shook my head and smiled at him. he smiled back as he looked towards the gate eagerly. Ten minutes past when I heard the ringer for message go off on my phone. I take it to see a message from Chim.

Reaching the gate. Wait for me.

I smiled at the screen as I heard Beomgyu slowly begin to whine about waiting for too long.

"What is taking him so long?" Beomgyu asked, frustration evident in his voice. This moody teenager. I only held him into a hug as I comforted him. trying to get him to be less moody and more presentable.

"He is almost here." I said as I watched Beomgyu glare at me. "You told me this ten minutes ago as well Tae!" he pointed accusingly at me. I gasped at the fact that he dropped honorifics with me.

"What happened to the sweet sweet papa that you usually call me?" I asked as I dramatically held my heart, acting as if his words had hurt me. he only scoffed at my act as he could clearly sense my dramatic ass being myself.

"Please papa bear. Be honest! Where is he?" he asked again as he almost started throwing a tantrum right there. I chuckled as I patted his head. a voice was heard from behind.

"By any chance, is my sweet nephew searching for me?" we both turned to find Jimin...along with Yunki hyung. Why and how was he here? I asked myself as I eyed Yunki hyung.

"Whats the matter taebear?" Yunki hyung asked as he caught onto my drift faster than I could as well.

I shook my head as I smiled at him and ushered them towards the car. We both had a shoot to finish and I can keep the questions towards the end of it all.


Throughout the shoot we had, taehyung looked rather perplexed. Though he was professional during the shoot, not giving a chance for the cameras to keep flashing with disappointment, I could see something was going on his mind. I tried to approach him about it.

"What happened taetae? You seem rather out of it.." I decided to tread along the lines as I didn't know what exactly was the cause of my soulmate's long face. He only shook his head as I had expected. But this time, something told me to push it forth and know the situation.

And so I did, "What happened tae? you can tell me anything, you know that right?" I asked him once again as I held him by his shoulder, ceasing any movements from him. I looked at Yunki and glanced at Beomgyu as we made eye-contact.

Yunki only nodded his head as he hooked arms with Beomgyu and dragged him along. We were now left alone in our hotel room so he could open up better. Taehyung saw the sign and took it. He sighed as he laid back on the bed while I did the same beside him.

"I am just thinking about the contract coming to an end. I read through it all and some of the points are really nerve-wrecking. After much time I came to a conclusion of what to do." Taehyung said but I was only confused.

"If you know what to do then why are you worried about it?" I asked.

He turned to face me while laying down as he said the next few words. "I haven't been able to discuss the same with Jeungguk. I don't know what he is going to do. The one time I took the topic up, he said he already knew what to do and that I should trust him on it."

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