Chapter 15

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' want to meet him?. ' Tommy asked. Stood leaning on the door way.

Eventually Tommy talked you into it. Although techno was against it Tommy seemed to be excited.

'let's gooo!' Tommy said picking you up and walking out the door. Techno quickly standing up and following. 'IS THAT THE BLADE?!' quackity screamed from the kitchen making you flinch. Tommy hugged you into his chest and sat you down on the couch 'we will be back. Going to make quackity be quiet.' techno said cracking his nuckles. Tommy laughed nervously 'techno my friendddd,' he paused looking anxiously at you then back at techno 'my man. Let's not do something we will regret..' he voice trails of as techno walks into the kitchen Tommy nervously, desperately running after him. after a couple of minutes they didn't return and you heard another voice it was  deep, with a European accent. 'fucking power move man.' quackity said from the kitchen. Curiosity got the better of you and you sneaked into the kitchen hiding behind Wilbur you saw quackity. He was wearing a beanie just like Wilbur does but his is different it's blue with 'lafd' written on it you could see a little of his black hair but the rest was hidden he was also wearing a blue jacket matching his beanie and simple black trousers and black trainers. You turned you attention to the other man the man with the deep voice he was wearing a beautiful light pink dress with strawberrys on it, instead of trainers he was wearing big black platformed boots, unlike quackity you could see this man's hair it was brown and fluffy and for his accessories he had black sunglasses and a stunning crown instead of a gold crown like technos it was silver with rubbys in it. Then the deep voice spoke 'and who's this?' and before you knew it all eyes where on you. Wilbur not noticing you looked down 'oh hello sunshine' he said placing a protective hand on the back of your head. 'we where going to tell you about her' Philza says stepping forward with a cup of what you assumed to be coffee 'before quackity started talking about drugs.'wilbur says with an eye roll. Quackity laughs 'it had to be done' Tommy started laughing with him now.
The man in the dress rolled his eyes and crouched down to talk to you. 'Whats your name?' You shifted awkwardly from foot to foot before playing with your fingers 'y/n' you say quietly 'beautiful name im Eret ' he replied with warm smile.

The rest of the evening was spent with everyone on the couch you on sat on technos lap reading a book about Greek gods ,myths and legends while everyone talked and ate. At around 11 at night everyone said goodnight Eret and quackity went to sleep in the guest room together and philza ,Tommy said goodnight to you .

'Goodnight persephone.' Techno said tucking you in and placing a small kiss on your head. Recently techno had started to call you persephone you saw a page about her but didn't read into it instead you read about hades. Then you heard your door creack open and Wilbur pop his head in. 'Oh sorry. I was coming to say goodnight. 'Wilburs says with a chuckle and walks over. 'Goodnight sunshine.' He says placing you toy bee next to you witch you immediately hugged. They smiled before quietly leaving and shuting the door. A couple of hours later you rolled over restless something about having people you didn't know made you uncomfortable. Who knows what they would do if you fell asleep .eventually you wonder out of your room and into the hall where you saw philzas door cracked open a little, silently you walked in and saw phil laying on his stomach dead asleep. You walked over. You gut told you to turn his alarm off. He's been working so hard especially now that you where another problem the least you could do was let him sleep. You pulled up his blanket over his shoulders before leaving. Next stop was technos room ,you walked in it was dark but you could see him laying down and could hear a silent snore. You smiled shut the door and walked towards tommys room. You cracked the door open a little and heard him roll over.
'Y/n im awake, come in 'Tommy said in a sleepy voice. You sighed before walking in a sitting on tommys chair as he was in bed. 'Why are you awake?' You asked concerned. He signed. 'I don't know honestly. I haven't slept for a couple of days 'he said rubbing his eyes. You knew the feeling of now being able to sleep but for a totally different reason. You looked around the room that's when something caught your attention. That thing being wilburs guitar. 'He always leaves his shit here.' Tommy said rolling his eyes hitting to the guitar. You walked over and picked it up and sat back down on the chair. He looked at you puzzled. 'Well whenever I can't sleep will plays me a melody. So I was thinking maybe it might help..'you say slightly embarrassed. He chuckles 'that would be nice.' You let out a sigh of relief and started to play. A couple of minutes later your melody became slow. And you looked up tommys eyes where clossed his chest slowly rising and falling. You smiled placed the guitar down, turned the lamp next to Tommy off . And left the room quietly. You decided Wilburs room would be your last stop as you didn't really want to see the new people. You opened the door wilburs lamp was on but he was asleep his legs dangling over the edge. You giggled before walking over and after 3 minutes and a bit of energy you managed to get Wilbur legs under the blanket. You whispered a quick 'Goodnight ' before turning the lights off and returning to your room. Where you lit your fire and opened your book to the page about persephone and started to read.

Hey guys I'm so sorry for not doing 5 chapters. But my mental health has been absolutely awful again. I'm so sorry.

Eat,drink and sleep I love you and I'm so proud x

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