Chapter 3 :)))

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⚠️Tw ⚠️eating disorder, vomiting

I gave a small wave goodbye.

'so what do you think?' Miss. Lockheart asked

Somethings different about them,' I replied she gave me a odd look.' in a good way ' I continued she noded. We reached my room

' ill bring dinner up shortly ' she smiled and walked out

The idea of eating made me feel sick to my stomach. I threw my hand over my stomach. I started to panic and started to spiral what if I do get adopted and they don't like me they-

' y/n!, 'I was pulled out of thought.'dinner!' Miss. Lockheart smiled handing my a bowl of soup I noded showing appreciation. She turned and walked out of my room closing the door behind her. My attention returned to the bowl of soup in front of me. I start to shake I take a deep breath

'this is what mum would want' I wispered under my breathe. I shoved a spoon of soup into my mouth It was hard but I swallowed. I immediately felt sick I placed the bowl down focusing on keeping my food down. I couldn't. I ran towards the bathroom and start being sick.

Philzas pov :)

Y/n left the room followed by Miss.Lockheart

'so techno,' Wilbur smirked. Everyone turn to face techno 'you seemed to like that kid' Wilbur questioned.

'at least I didn't scare the kid.' techno rolled his eyes hinting to Tommy

'YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH! I WAS BEING FRIENDLY HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE KID IS FUCKING TRAUMATISED?!' Tommy shouted. Techno and Wilbur started laughing at how they had annoyed Tommy.

'hello!,' Miss. Lockheart had returned now 'alright come in jack!'

Time skip- it's been a couple of hours they are now debating on who to adopt :)

' so boys who do you like?' I questioned. Silence fell.

' I like y/n' techno admitted.

'same' Wilbur instantly agreed we only received a nod from Tommy. Obviously Tommy was tired.

'y/n?' the boys noded. I chuckled ' I like that, boys go get into the car just wait there.' I said handing Wilbur the car keys. Wilbur nods as techno picks Tommy and they leave. I walked up to Miss. Lockheart she was carrying a bowl of soup hat was full yet it was cold I didn't question it.

' excuse me?, ' I said not wanting to be rude. She turned and smiled

'yes?' she said placing the bowl down

'can we still adopt y/n?' I asked

Her face lit up 'of course! Do you want me to get the paperwork?' I chucked and noded. She rushed away into a room out of sight.

Y/n pov :))

It had been a five minutes since I threw up. Miss. Lockheart took my bowl with a dissapontment smile but still supportive. She returned later happy I sat up giving her a questioning look.

' They want you!' she finally said. I smiled but was still confused who? Who wanted me? Picking up on my confusion ' The family who came earlier Phil?!' I jumped up now. 'pack be downstairs and ready to leave' she said hugging me I noded and she left. I smiled to myself as I started packing something is different about this family. I picked up my bag and made my way downstairs.

Time skip - your about to leave

Miss. Lockheart gives you a tight hug 'I'm going to miss you,' she whispers in your ear

'who says I'm not coming back?' you question 'I'm never going to find a home'

' I have this feeling' she pulls away and gestures for me to go with Phil. I do as told he rest a hand on my shoulder we wave goodbye and leave the building. We arrive to the car technos in the front Wilbur and Tommy in the back, he opens the back door I grip my bag tighter

' your not going to take my bag?' I question quietly.

He looks down 'I can if you want or you can keep it' he offers

' no thank you!' you say scared. Tommy was awake now and had patted the seat next to him I carefully climbed in.

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