Chapter 4 :))

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Not my art :)

⚠️Tw⚠️ eating disorder,

Tommy was awake now and had patted the seat next to him I carefully climbed in.

'dadddd I'm hungry. Can we get food?' Tommy complained.

Philza chuckled before replying 'sure buddy you guys want some too?' I felt sick I couldn't eat but I didn't want them to hate me.

'n-no sorry..' I said quietly.

'no need to be sorry kiddo, did you eat at the orphanage?' Philza questioned. You nod not being able to look at them. You lied. You lied to them. The only nice family. You. Lied.

' y/n,' pulled out of my thoughts once again 'we are home' Tommy said shoving a chip (or French Fries if your American) in his mouth.

'so rude.' wilbur said hitting Tommy on the back of the head. You could practically see Tommy going red he was about erupt like a volcano on Wilbur before techno cut him off

'quite. No shouting.' he said gesturing to me. I akwardly looked away opening the car door and climbing out.

Time skip-everyone is inside ready to go to sleep.

'y/n let me show you your room' Phil said. I nod in response Phil led me upstairs in a large room there was a mini bathroom and a small fireplace 'I hope you can become comfortable around us' he paused 'I know it may be overwhelming especially considering how loud Tommy and Wilbur are' he sighed you felt that he needed some sort of comfort

'thank you' you say akwardly. This seemed to work a smile came across his face.

'hey guys! I have those pajamas for y/n' wilbur said walking in. This supprised me normally I didn't get any new clothes.

'thanks will' Phil said taking the clothes and handing them to me I noded to show appreciation 'we will be downstairs if you need us' phil smiled and walked out Wilbur following.

The door shut I changed into the pajamas they where comfortable they where blue I looked around a bookshelf caught my attention I walked over and saw a book called family. My heart hurt a little. I missed my family. I shook of the negative thoughts and grabbed the book I walked over the the fireplace and turned it on I opened the book it was full of  pictures, dates and memories from the boys growing up.

'y/n?' I heard a knock at the door.

'come in.' you said not wanting to be to loud. Techno walked in. You looked over before shuting the book and apologising over and over again.

'it's okay' he walked over 'what ya reading?' he picked up the book called family he chuckled before opening the book he pointed to a picture of Tommy holding an ice-cream 'Tommy got so messy that day, after dad took the picture Tommy chased wilbur around with ice-cream all over his fingers' you giggled both of you sat in front of the fire listening to techno explain about funny and happy stories. He was half way through telling me the story of the potato war before he stopped. 'y/n..' i looked at him with a questionable look 'could you braid my hair please?' i nod and start to braid as he continues to tell the story of the great potato war. Before you new it Wilbur had sat down in pajamas that where yellow and matching your blue and technos pink pajamas. Technos hair was so long that it had been finished for a while.

Time skip - 1 hour Tommy has joined with red pajamas matching Eveyone else's

Phil walked in 'hey y/n.' he suddenly stopped he looked at you still braiding technos hair while Tommy and Wilbur sat with you talking and looking through the family memories. You felt safe but still couldn't decide if you can trust them. Phil took a quick picture before walking over and sitting down, just enjoying his children. I had finished technos hair he gave me a little hug before joining into the conversation about Wilbur first consert (it was just him playing to family /friends) I had got  distracted by the fire that I didn't notice the family crying of laughter I turned and saw they laughing you gave techno a questionable look before he pointed to the book of baby Tommy and a young Wilbur while a young techno crouched in the corner you couldn't help but giggle Phil sat up and smiled at you. You returned the smile safe still a little confused on the trust. That didn't matter right now. They where happy that's what mattered right now.

Time skip-another hour has passed the boys just left your room you stay in front of the fire

You stopped adding wood now and just going to let it die down. Silence returns. Silence.

Time skip- to the morning you didn't sleep kept awake by nightmares or just  not being sleepy

A knock at the door. 'y/n?' you heard Tommy question 'breakfast' uh oh this  isn't good. They have no idea that you struggle. Here it came that same sick feeling. You stood up and walked downstairs.

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