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Naruto pouted a bit as he was dressed in a burnt orange yukata. It felt stuffy and uncomfortable but it was a requirement. It would seem the elders of the Nara clan aren't happy with his recent string of reckless missions that go askew every time he strays off the path of said mission only to wind up in some great battle that had to do with the original mission in an underline way. He wasn't happy either, it's not like he wanted to throw his life in danger but them calling this meeting seems to be a way of throwing it in his face that he was a bad fixation. Ultimately he wasn't looking forward to this.

He walked out of his temporary room in Shikamaru's home and downstairs where the others were waiting for him. They didn't need to dress formally because they were family, however, he was an outsider coming in. He should be noticed and that's exactly what he was doing right then and there. "I have a feeling this won't be pretty," Naruto mumbled in Shikamaru's ear as they headed to the elders dwelling in the northeastern side of the clan. 

Shikamaru stiffened as he remembered the last conversation they had with the elders without Naruto present. He didn't want the blonde placed under limitations. "I'm sure it's fine. They just want to meet you formally."

Naruto snorted at that and Shikamaru was reminded that Naruto was far more observant than people give him credit for. Naruto could almost assess a situation faster than him simply because his head has been on the chopping block one too many times growing up. "My recent missions all landed me in the hospital, though they were mainly scrapes and bruises. It still shows that the hospital and I have a very intimate connection." 

"Well that is true but though the missions turned out to be dangerous you still have an extraordinary success rate. Maybe they want to compliment you," Shikamaru was trying to be positive but Naruto was already stained by the corruption of the villagers to really see anything positive when regarding authority. 

"Elders don't like me Shikamaru, they have seen Kurama. The power of him and they know when I get emotional that I gain certain features similar to him. Kakashi made sure to really emphasize that concerning his reports. Fucking hypocrite," Naruto cursed and Shikamaru felt dread in his stomach. 

It wasn't fair, all of it wasn't fair.

But they both knew the ninja life wasn't fair but yet it was the only route to take if you wanted groundbreaking results in this place. 

"Alright Naruto, if at any point you feel uncomfortable just tell me. I can get you out of here," Shikaku said as they stood outside the meeting hall. Naruto nodded and Shikamaru latched onto the blonde's hand. "Let's head inside."

Inside the meeting, hall were two elderly people nearing their seventies. A male and female pair but it was obvious by the distance that they weren't a couple. Shikaji and Shikayin were both dressed in formal robes that complimented the clan's aesthetic. Both were drinking tea from different sets of trays. "Seems you've arrived in a timely fashion, let us begin," Shikayin said placing her cup back on the tray as they settled across from the council with the distance between the two. 

Shikaji cleared his throat and began voicing his concerns. "As you've come to know you are the fixation of our dear heir Shikamaru. It's been a month since you knew I presume?"

"Yes elder," Naruto replied, his face blank of all emotion that could give away his turmoil. Shikamaru could hear it though. 

"And you've accepted him according to the correct description Shikamaru provided?"

"Yes, I have elder." 

Now it was time for Shikayin to step in as her eyes narrowed dangerously at him. "I don't need to warn you about what should happen if a fixation dies of anything else than natural causes."

"No elder I know the risks."

She hummed drumming her weathered, wrinkled hands on the tatami mat. "So deary why are you still a ninja?"

"Because I have to defend my life and my status as a Jinchuriki means I am a constant target. I can't afford to give up my ninja license and training to stay within the confines of this clan. They cannot protect me," Naruto slightly growled at the end as his eyes flared in anger. 

A warning rippled through the air with those eyes.

"Alright let's move onto the next option. Lessening your mission ranks. C ranks only as you are Chunin. B and A run parallel at times in terms of danger. You'll stay within this village when not on a mission and your training will be here as well." 

"I don't want Naruto-" Shikamaru started but Shikaji was already ahead of him. 

"Silence boy, you don't know the dangers of this, however, we do and we do not need our heir losing his mind at such a young age and offing himself," The old man snapped, Shikamaru gritted his teeth. 

"I suppose you could try that method but I have to make this known now. I will be leaving the village in a week to pursue training with the Toad Sannin Jiraiya."

It was a shock to all of them in the room, not even Shikamaru knew about this change of event. It was like the rug was pulled from out under them. "How long is this training suppose to last?" Shikaji asked leaning forward ever so slightly. 

"3 years, I will not have contact with the village during this time either." 

"The strain that will have on the bond is immense. Are you insane?!" Shikayin yelled angrily. Naruto didn't even flinch.

"Which is why he's coming with me. I already talked to Jiraiya about this. He agreed that I can bring him along," Naruto said with a slight sigh in his words. "I can't put my training on hold, I really can't situations won't allow me and I can't stay the way I am now. People can use Shikamaru to get to me and vice versa. I need to be strong enough to back us both." 

"But what about Shikamaru doesn't he need to be here to advance in his clan techniques?" Shikaji countered, Naruto chuckled a bit. 

"If that's the case then I can't stop that but since you love forcing my hand I would find a way to work around that. Just a note, I don't do limitations. I want to be Hokage and I will never be a Hokage that stays bound by two elderly people that are gonna croak in a few years!" Naruto bit back as Kurama's growl came full force. He got up and walked out.

Shikamaru's chest ached for some reason and he knew it wasn't anything good. He whimpered a bit which caught Shikaku and Yoshino's concern. "Why does my chest hurt, I want Naruto here."

Yoshino rushed out for the Uzumaki who was steadily making his way to the exit of the clan. "Naruto come back it's Shikamaru," Naruto froze midstep and spun immediately back around before running back to the meeting hall. Yoshino sighed a bit before chasing after him. 

"Come on kill them, they've made him angry," His shadow snapped in his ear. Shikamaru leaned away from it and scowled. No these were the elders. "They'll croak in a few years, why not hurry it along?"

Shikamaru held his head as he tried fighting them off, his vision was blurring red and his head was throbbing painfully. Was he fully experiencing the consequences of having shadows overrun him? Naruto wasn't even that angry and Shikamaru knew the male would've calmed down eventually. He knew but his shadows didn't. "Make it stop already! I don't wanna hurt anybody!" He cried loudly as he curled in on himself. 

"Shikamaru!" A voice yelled as he brought into strong arms. He cried into whoever was holding him. "It's okay, I'm fine. I'm not angry Shikamaru, I'm not angry." It was Naruto trying to calm him down, he cried even harder as his world dimmed. "I'm here and I'm never leaving okay." 

Shikamaru doesn't remember after that because after he had confirmation the Uzumaki wouldn't leave him he passed out.

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