"I have to warn them..."

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The two get along well and they enjoyed each other's company. Junghyun wanted to be more than just friends with Taehyung and Taehyung didn't have those type of feelings for Junghyun.

Right now, the two boys are sitting on the front steps of Junghyun's house.

Thinking the time is right, Junghyun pulls out a rose and asks Taehyung, "Tae, I really, really like you. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Junghyun... I'm sorry, but I don't like you like that... I'm sorry..." Taehyung says, hugging Junghyun. Junghyun feels heartbroken but at the same time, it's like a monster inside him has awoken. Gripping onto the sides of Taehyung's arms, he looks into Taehyung's eyes with a scary gaze.

"Ju- Junghyun, what are you doing? Stop, it hurts!" Taehyung pleads, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"You're mine, Taehyung." Junghyun says with a dark voice. Out of fear and not knowing what to do, Taehyung pushes Junghyun as hard as he can and runs away.

Junghyun goes to chase after him, but somebody calls out his name.


Junghyun turns around to see his mom. "I want him, Eomma." Junghyun declares.

"That is not how you get someone to love you!" Mrs. Jeon walks up to Junghyun and pats his shoulder.

"I will get him, and no one is going to stop me." Junghyun says firmly and walks into the house.

"What do I do? I have to warn them..." Mrs. Jeon mutters, remembering that Junghyun doesn't lie, and he DOES get what he wants.

Pulling out her phone, Mrs. Jeon calls Mr. Kim. After a few rings, Mr. Kim picks up. "Hey, Eunha!" Mr. Kim sounds so happy and Mrs. Jeon doesn't want to ruin his happiness, so she responds with, "Hey, Han. Can we meet tomorrow? It's urgent."

"Sure. What's wrong? You sound worried." Mr. Kim asks.

"It's n-nothing. Just meet me at the place I text you to come at."

"Mkay." Mr. Kim answers. Mrs. Jeon hangs up and walks into the house, hoping her son doesn't find out. Too bad for her, he saw her through the window of his room.

"So this is what it's come to, huh, Eomma? You know I'll win." Junghyun whispers with a smug look on his face.

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