A Filler Chapter about Appearances:

Start from the beginning

"Achoo!" Marie suddenly sneezed.

"You good?" Andou asked, taking out a handkerchief and wiping Marie's face, which was mostly covered in cake crumbs.

"Oh yes, I'm fine, I'm fine. It just feels like someone mentioned me just now."

"Achoo! Me too." Eclair muttered, before she went back to complaining about her chronic stomach pain.

"Alright...Fondue, did you get that ARL-44 fixed up?" Oshida asked the Maginot Vice-Commander.

"Yes, we did. We also acquired a few Char B1 Ters to bolster our forces."

Marie polished off her chocolate cake. "Delightful. That should allow us to take on some stronger schools if we use our tactics right. And the good thing is, we can test out our tactics and tanks in the upcoming 'Three-Day-Battle.'"

Meanwhile, Owen was called over by the Student Council and team captains of Ooarai to answer some questions about the new tanks that St. Glorianas was rumored to have. "Wait...are you referring to that one time they dragged me to their little office so I could sort papers for 'em?'' the captains nodded. "Well, I didn't see any receipts or anything, so...sorry, I'm not much help there."

"Awww..." Momo bowed her head in defeat.

"I can take some guesses though! And actually, they mentioned to me they bought a Tortoise! Lemme tell ya' real quick..."

A few days prior, Owen had been dragged to the St. Glorianas Sensha-do office so he could help Darjeeling and her friends sort out some papers. In one corner of the room, Owen sat on a wooden sofa with red cushions, sorting papers at a table. Orange Pekoe was making tea for everyone, Assam was helping Owen get through the countless letters and documents, while Rosehip, Rukuriri, and Nilgiri enjoyed some tea snacks. "Alright, I got through the first stack of letters." Sliding out from the table, Owen called to Darjeeling, "Miss Darjeeling?"

"Ah, yes?"

"These letters are for you. Here." and he placed down a small stack of letters addressed to her. "Then...here's some letter for Miss Rosehip, then to Miss Pekoe, and finally, Miss Rukuriri and Nilgiri. That's all of 'em for now."

"Thank you Owen."

With the Ooarai girls listening, Owen continued, "Then, these older looking girls walk into the office. That young woman Earl Grey was one of them, apparently they were the alumni council of St. Glorianas. Then they started questioning Darjeeling about her purchases..."

"Darjeeling, are you absolutely positive the new purchases will pay off?" one girl started.

Darjeeling took a sip of her tea, calm and composed. "I'm sure."

"You bought a Tortoise for Christ's sake, and you haven't even used it yet!"

"I promise, it will pay off. We're planning to use them in the upcoming 'Three-Day-Battle'."

"I think you mean 'they', Darjeeling. You also bought several Cromwell's and an entire fleet of Comets." Earl Grey started. "I'm not saying I disapprove, Darjeeling. In fact, I've been telling them," Earl Grey gestured to the Alumni. "That you should be allowed to buy more tanks. I'm just wondering when you'll use them."

"Of course I'll use them. I'm simply hiding my cards until the time is right..."

"I see..."

"Shamrock? What's that, some school for IRA wannabes?" Owen chortled quietly. In the present day, Owen continued, "Well, not silent enough apparently, everyone heard my remark about that Irish School. Then I had to talk my way out of getting kicked out by the alumni girls. Earl Grey just looked away and pretended not to know me."

"Sir, who're you? You know this is an All-Girls School."

"Me? Oh, I'm just someone Miss Darjeeling asked to help her sort through all these documents and letters, that's all." Interestingly, Owen's voice dropped deeper, which made him sound more convincing.


"Yes, I am. I happen to be a big fan of this school, and as someone from Britain herself, I do greatly enjoy seeing this school. Surely you can let a fan stay, right?"

"Mmmmhhh...Fine, you can stay." The same girl who interrogated Owen turned to Darjeeling. "But he better be out of here at the end of the day."

"Of course." she replied, nonchalantly sipping her Darjeeling tea.

Back in the present day..."Anyways, yeah I think that's what you'll be going up against for the most part. Cruiser tanks like the Comet and Cromwell, and a Tortoise, but you'll be on the Axis side, right?" Miho nodded. "Then you should be able to just use the Kuromorimine Maus then." Owen just shrugged. "Oh hey, you think you shouldn't stop that?" Owen suddenly pointed at Kay, who was still trying to convince Willy to do Sensha-do.

Suddenly, Willy stomped the ground, yelled something, and stormed off. They didn't hear what he had said over the sound of all the tanks being repaired and whatnot, but Miho thought she heard the American shout something along the lines of, "I'm not interested in shooting kids!"

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