A Filler Chapter about Appearances:

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"Mr. Willy looks like Sergeant Oddball!" Karina cheerfully said out of nowhere.

Azusa grinned, raising an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, he looks like Oddball doesn't he? He's got a beard and a jacket!"

"Well..." Azusa looked over at Willy, who was being assaulted with a constant stream of requests to do Sensha-do at least once. The person asking him was Kay, who had randomly showed up with Naomi and Alisa for a friendly visit to Ooarai. "Now that you mention it, he does look like Sergeant Oddball. He's not blonde though, and Mr. Willy's hair is very messy in comparison." Of course, there were many differences between the appearance of Willy Nathan and Sergeant Oddball, ranging from hair and eye color to their clothes, but they still looked similar enough. Willy's jacket, despite being the US Army Olive Green color, was reminiscent of Sergeant Oddball's brown leather jacket.

"Hey, what about you Nekota-san!" Karina called out to the Type 3 Chi-Nu's tank commander and radio operator.

The gamer jumped. "Uhhhh, well..." Nekota pondered for a few moments. "I can't think of anyone from a game Willy looks like, but Faber looks like a final boss from Wolfenstein."

Karina and several of her fellow Rabbits tilted their head. "What's Wolfstein?"

"Wolfenstein. It's uh...It's an old video game series about fighting a super-technologically advanced Germany during an alternate WW2."

Momoga popped out of the Chi-Nu's turret. "Well when you put it like that, he really does look like some final boss!" The First-Years and the gamers shared a loud laugh together.



"You called me?" they all froze. Turning around, they saw Faber, in his casual clothing, standing there with his gloved hands on his hips.

"F-Faber, we were uhhh..." Azusa looked to her fellow Rabbit Team for help, who did nothing but look absolutely terrified. "We were talking about how cool you look, yeah!" she laughed nervously.

Faber raised an eyebrow. "That's what I thought then." he gave a little wave, before he began to help with the other tank maintenance, leaving the Gamers and the Freshmen terrified. Well they're not wrong. In my time, Germany is absurdly strong when it comes to Wunderwaffe. Faber then sneezed.

Yukari, overhearing the conversation, added her own little point. "Mr. Bastler looks like J.T. Davis from Full Metal Jacket!" The Rabbit Team looked at their senpai confused. "Eh? You don't know Full Metal Jacket!? It's a famous Vietnam War movie, the protagonist is called Joker because he interrupts the drill sergeant by doing an impression of John Wayne. Mr. Bastler looks just like him, round glasses, a buzz-cut, they look uncannily similar." Yukari took out her phone, pulling up a photo of Joker. "See?"

"Ohhh, I see. Yeah, you're right, Yukari-senpai. Ralph looks like Reggie from Riverdale!" Ayumi said cheerfully.

"Wait, you mean that live-action of Archie? Isn't it terrible though?" Aya poked bluntly.

"Eh? I thought it was alright!" Ayumi pouted. Her teammates, along with the Anglerfish Team laughed.

"Well..." Miho took a look around the hanger, seeing a few of the soldiers working around. More specifically, she saw Hans, Daniel, Willy, Jean, Owen, Lennard, Otto, Ralph, and Peter. Faber, they had already seen. "Hans looks like...well he looks rather normal, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, he does." Saori agreed. She then gushed, "Owen looks like a British gentleman though, doesn't he?"

Hana giggled at her friend's boy craziness. "He does indeed. Jean looks like your typical Frenchman. I wonder what BC Freedom and Maginot think of him?"

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