"A larger tank?" Saori flipped through a book filled with different WW2-Era tanks and their specs. "Yukari-san, do you think it's something like a Type 3 Chi-Nu?"

"No, Azusa-san would be able to recognize it," Yukari grunted as she loaded in a 75mm AP shell. "It might be something like a Type 4 Chi-To, can you ask them how long the gun looks?"

"Rabbit Team, how long is the gun?"

"Very long!"

"It's like pinocchio!" Saori heard one of the childish Freshman pipe up.

"Oh yeah, definitely a Type 4 Chi-To. It's got up to 75mms of armor, a top speed of 45km/h and a long barreled 75mm gun!" Just as Saori began to radio all this info to the Rabbit Team, the Type 4 Chi-To fired. The brand new Chi-Ha-Tan was now in its first ever battle, it's baptism of fire. The large 75mm shell barely missed, striking the earth to the right of the M3 Lee. The M3 Lee returned fire with all it's guns, but the 75mm hit one of the Type 97 Chi-Has instead and the 37mm gun, as it turned out, was too weak.

"Aiee!" Karina began to push into reverse, but Azusa put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, we can do this! Karina, reverse us just behind the rock formation!"

In the Type 4 Chi-To, it's commander, Hosomi with her famous victory roll style hair cut, was whooping in triumph. "We've got Ooarai on the run! This new tank is doing Chi-Ha-Tan wonders! Finally, we can regain our school's honor!"

"Calm down Hosomi." Her gunner said.

"I just can't though! Let's charge their flanks!" With that, the Type 4 Chi-To began to pick up considerable speed, quickly getting up to it's 45 km/h speed. Earlier, they had seen the M3 Lee duck behind the rock formation. Then, they passed by a bunch of bushes and shrubbery, and it was suddenly blown away by the M3 Lee charging down right into the Type 4 Chi-To, ramming it. "What the-!?" before Hosomi could react, it fired a 75mm shell right into the Type 4's flank, taking it out of the match, before it ducked behind the larger IJA Medium tank, preventing it's back up, the Type 95 Ha-Go and the three Type 97 Chi-Has from firing upon it.

From their spot underneath the canopy, Daniel and Nathan oohed at the M3 Lee's maneuver. With his sharp eyes, Daniel quickly picked apart the Rabbit Team's plan. "Well well well, that's one way to use the environment to your advantage, ain't it?" Nathan nodded.

"There's a small break in between the rocks covered by bushes and trees, so they flanked the IJA tank using it, and by taking cover behind it they're stopping its teammates from firing on themselves. What about you Willy? What'cha think?"

Willy tittered. "Smart, definitely, but they shoulda just waited for back-up. They can probably spare that French Char B1, it ain't doing anything!"

"Well, it is on the other side of the area, and last time I checked the Char B1 has an abysmal speed compared to something like a Kraut Panzer, so I don't think it'd make it."

Miho briefly ducked into the cupola of her Panzer IV H when a shell blew up nearby, throwing up dirt and shrapnel. "Rabbit Team, how're you?"

Azusa responded immediately. "Good! We took out the enemy Type 4 and a few others!"

"Good job, keep it up!" Miho encouraged before she went back to giving commands to the rest of the Oorai Team, who, alongside the Anglerfish Team, were in a line formation, holding back the slow and strategic Chi-Ha-Tan advance. For the most part, they only had to deal with a few flankers while the rest didn't have the firepower to knock any of them out. Then, a new tank suddenly arrived, flanked and protected by several of its comrades as a sort of meatshield.

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