Toru said "Hey Mei how supportive is Midoriya when making babies?"

"Oh he's behind me all the way when we actually get into it." Mei said.

Katsumi had gasped and had to lean on Jirou to keep from falling.

"Ok we can we go now?" Izuku asked.

"Hey Mei do you guys play music while you two make one of your 'babies'? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked "Slow Jazz?"

"No mainly Rock Music." Mei said "Some Drake or The Weekend really get the flow going."

"I have...1 question." Iida adjusted his glasses and snickering "Do you two wear proper safety equipment? I know Making Babies is fun but protection is cheaper then *snicker* accidents."

"Oh yeah Midoriya makes sure we both have the proper protection when working on our babies." Mei said.

"Ok...we are officially deeming Midori the Daddy of Class 1-A from now on." Mina said "All in favor of Daddy Deku?"


"All apposed?" Mina asked.

"Nay." Izuku said.

"Majority vote!" Mina said pumping her arms "Daddy Deku stays!"

"If I'm Daddy then What's Momo? Little Mama?" Izuku asked.

"Class MILF?" Jirou asked.

Momo blushed.

"Ok let's go." Momo said pushing everyone.

Teachers lounge

The staff were gathered around bagging up from the security footage of the interaction at the front of the school.

"This again." Aizawa shook his head.

"Guess Midoriya got the title as Class Dad." Present Mic said grinning at Aizawa.

"What exactly is that?" Vlad asked.

"Usually classes kinda create a family structure." Nezu said "It's something I've been taking notes on about human social reactions."

"Remember Eraser Daddy?" Midnight asked.

"No." Vlad said. His hero rank obtained after his time in the military.

"Please don't." Aizawa said. The paused video showed Problem Childs face throughout the whole thing. Completely too tired to give a fuck.

"Well Hatsume is getting along with class 1-A. Now when can I move her into the 1-A dorms?" Power-Loader asked.

"Why would you want to do that?" Midnight asked.

"Hatsume seems to be at peak 'No Explosions' when Midoriya is around or she's talking about him." Power-Loader said.

"So what she's slower without him?" Aizawa asked.

"No, that fucker seems to just...defuse her Inventions!" Power-Loader shouted "Aizawa can you please spare him. Please? Just for a few minutes a day. I'm getting tired of the smell of fried 'babies' nearly every day. Please?"

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "I don't see why you can't just ask Midoriya to visit her."

"I can't." Power-Loader said "Midoriya is just as active as Mei but he knows how manage his time and energy."

"Well the only reason a transfer could happen would be if Mei's current dwelling was destroyed." Nezu said "However I think waiting and watching is a better strategy."

"I have a few things that could...make something happen partner." Snipe said.

"Meet me by the dumpster in 15 minutes." Power-Loader said.

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