The Apostles Of The Goddesses

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"But- Hirata-kun and the others-"

"They're okay. Althena-nee should be heading there now."


"Yup! The oldest of us 7 sisters, and the Goddess Of The Sun! Although, us goddesses of the Divine Realm have been losing believers due to the new ones who appeared."

"Here! Take this weapon. It'll help you. It's got my magic power imbued in it. Oopsie! It's time to wake up! We'll talk again soon. Byeeee~"

Hirata POV

I had been fighting nonstop for the past hour. The horde of monsters seems to never end. I glanced at my classmates who had fallen, and steeled myself, and kept on fighting.

I kept on fighting, and fighting, until I finally lost consciousness. I probably died already.

I woke up to a beautiful woman floating in front of me. Is this the afterlife? I probably died.

Her clothes were similar to what the Egyptian queen Cleopatra wore. Her curves and edges were very defined, and could almost be seen through the translucent robes.

"The time has come. I shall introduce myself. I am the eldest sister of the seven goddesses of the Divine Realm, Althena, the goddess of the Sun."

Her beauty was blinding, her charms were making me insane. Bright light was emanating from her body.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! I forgot to undo my Charm!"

The bright light around her disappeared, and her clear voluptuous body could be seen.

"Haa.... who are-are you?"
I said.

"I told you silly, I'm the eldest of the seven goddesses of the Divine Realm, Althena!"

"Am I dead?"

"Well, you would be, but I chose you as my champion."


"I bestow upon you, the power of the Sun goddess!"

A mark in the shape of the sun appeared on the back of my hand. Limitless ( at least that's what it feels like) energy coursed through my body. All my wounds had healed, and my power was restored.

"Ah! Thank you, goddess!"
I said.

"That's quite fine. Go save your friends. Call upon me again if you need my help. I shall come to you aid, my champion. We will talk again. Goodbye."

I closed my eyes.

Horikita POV

We were reaching the East gate now. I saw the figure of Hirata-kun fighting tirelessly against the whole army. I was surprised at how he was still going.

I thought it was too late, Hirata suddenly collapsed on his feet, standing. All the monsters were rushing in. I wasn't going to make it.

Just before he was hit, his sword shone in a golden light and a shockwave knocked away all the monsters. Hirata-kun instantly drew his sword, and rushed towards the monsters to fight again.

I called my classmates and urged them to follow me to help Hirata-kun.

He was mercilessly slicing through all the monsters with ease. Hirata-kun took up a stance, similar to that of a High Guard, and lifted his sword above his head. Massive amounts of energy were gathering on his sword.

As Hirata swung, multiple beams of light followed, killing many. I finally reached him and calmed his killing frenzy.

"Hey! Snap out of it!" I said.

Seeing as I couldn't stop him, we all instead helped him in subjugating the monsters.

"Eir-sama, please grant this believer's allies momentary protection."

"I got you!" A cheery voice replied.

(Imagine the Death Knights from Overlord, but made out of water)

Multiple knights, made of water appeared, each wearing armor, stood at 6.56 ft. (I'm asian ok don't hate me)😕

Each of the knights wielded a sword and a shield. Upon summon, they instantly rushed towards the enemies and killed them. When they were destroyed, they disassembled (dont know the correct word here if someone knows pls tell me) into a puddle of water, before then again forming into the knights and attacking again.

This kept on continuing until all the monsters on the East Gate wete defeated.


Hirata was tired, it was clearly shown on his face. I prayed once again to Eir-sama to restore our classmates to health. She answered my prayer rather fast. Is she watching us?

"Yup always am! :))"

" *sigh* Full Restore" I called out.

The corpses of my classmates received energy, and was restored from death.

Quite a number of them cried out in fear over what they experienced, some were probably emotionally scarred.

Hirata went towards each of our classmates and personally calmed them down, although, I could tell, he too, was distressed.

"I'm sorry to ruin this moment but, we have to get to the West and South gates. If you can't fight, go take shelter somewhere.

Despite clearly having looks of trepidation on their faces, they decided to follow me and Hirata to assist in the subjugation of the monsters.

Kiyotaka POV (Yes he's here but not in the way you think)

After Kei went out to put on her nightwear, I decided to close my eyes and take a well deserved rest.

I awoke to a certain breezy hilltop.
I immediately recognized it as the time-leaping place where I was revived. Except this time, I was greeted by the two figures of a well built man and a rather charming woman. The "servant" I always talked to was watering the flowers? Either way, I focused my gaze on to the two new faces.

"Oh, dear, he's already here." The woman said.

"Fumu, yes it seems so." The man said.

"Who are you two?" (Kiyotaka)

"If I may. These two are my masters, Krishvad, the God Of Time, and Kotori, the Goddess Of Space." The servant replied.

"Now, now, no need for formalities. I just wanted to see our little guest. If I may ask, might I look through your memories? Your heart is, well, dark."

"Do as you wish" I said.

"Oh! This is quite the spectacle. I see what has happened to you. I offer you my sincerest apologies." (Kotori)

"I don't mind." I said.

"Fumu. This is quite the dark past you've had. I pity you."

"If I may speak, masters, we should continue to the original topic. You two have a habit of going off topic...."(Servant)

"Ah yes! Thanks for reminding us." (Kotori)

" *cough* Now then, the reason we called you here, time leaper, is that one of our daughters, the Moon goddess, Naia, has expressed interest in wanting to see you. If you could head over to Plyeas and meet her...." (Krishvad)

"I don't like expending more effort than I have to. Why do I have to go?"

"She promised me that she had something to tell you there. I don't particularly know what, but it won't hurt to go. Right? It's also a chance to take your two girlfriends on a date...." (Kotori)


"Fine. But it'll take me quite a long time. Plus, the city is rumored to be below the sea."

"Oh, that won't be a problem at all darling. I can send you through long distances, as the Goddess Of Space, this is quite easy." Kotori said while puffing her chest.

"Fine. I'll tell you when I'll be going."
After saying that, I left.

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