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The fine jewelry shined in the sun, the dress flowed forward and back every time I took a stride.

Though those days were soon to be over as I was leaving back for Hogwarts today, back with cruel vicious people, yet both of my lives contain brutal people.

I've been talking with my father about my suitors — He still hasn't backed down and even when I leave he'll make the decision.

We were bickering and bickering on about how I feel it's best to rule alone — he disagrees.

He kept informing me that he would keep in contact with me whilst I'm at school, he didn't say what for, though I suppose the meeting I have with him in a few minutes will make it all clear.

My patience was soon to fade once my hand had connected with the knob on his doors.

I hesitated before I entered, but soon enough I barged right through them. I couldn't wait any longer.

Once I walked in I saw my father and two other people; it became clear who they were once they turned around from the doors opening.

They looked at me with wide eyes and immediately stood up, " This is your lovely daughter isn't it Mr.Bardot?" A woman spoke.

When I started at them I couldn't help but notice the resemblance they had to someone very close to ms, they almost looked like Draco himself.

I smile at the lady, though not the man he just sent me a rude glare, no reason at all, what are his intentions with my father.

My father had raised a hand signaling me to come closer to the three.

Hesitantly I walked up there standing right beside my father who is just smiling, Is this it? Did he finally make his decision?

Before I could make any more assumptions he spoke, " My dear, are you familiar with the Malfoys?"


A cough left my mouth but I pardoned myself, " Of course I am, this is Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, " I pause, " It's lovely to meet you—"

It wasn't lovely to meet them at all, they are Dracos parents, and I'm meeting them in such an uncomfortable situation.

I just wanted to make this quick, so I could hop on the train back to Hogwarts.

" Very well, it's come to my attention that Lucius's son and yourself both have—"

Just then at that brief moment, my father's face turned to the two, as now, Lucius interrupted his sentence, " You have been a distraction to my son!"

A distraction, I don't understand what he means—

" The guards told me that he has been sneaking into your room! Tell me why that is?" his voice raised at each word making me flinch.

Narcissa hadn't spoken at all, every time I took a glance she would smile making me less frustrated than I already was.

A hand rested on my arm when I looked down it was my father, " Is he the reason you are disappearing from your duties so often?" He questions me.

Ardenia | Draco Malfoy 18+Where stories live. Discover now