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Clint Barton🏹

Clints POV

Y/n thinks I don't notice how much she struggles to sleep but I do. We've been dating for a little under a year now and I've picked up on a lot of her habits.

She hardly ever sleeps and when she does it never lasts long. I also notice how hard she try's to sleep, y/n does lots of things during the day to occupy her time. She stays in the gym for hours most days and when I suggest staying in bed she always shoots me down saying that it's 'wasting the day'.

I've never approached her about it because if she wanted my help then she would ask for it but lately I've noticed it's getting worse. In the past week I haven't seen her sleep, I know she must have but she's been awake before me and gone to sleep after me. It's starting to really worry me.


Another day I'm trying to get through with no sleep it's a very regular occurrence. My insomnia has just been so bad lately I can't remember the last time I got more than an hour of undisturbed sleep.

I'm really hoping Clint hasn't noticed yet, we sleep in the same bed but I try to hide it the best I can. Some nights I lay with him while he sleeps and others I get up and go for a run or watch something downstairs in the compound living room.

Right now I'm running on the treadmill in the training room, I am so exhausted but I can't stop I really want to sleep tonight and I can get more tired than this. I have too.

By this point I've completely lost track of time and how long I've been running but it's not until someone taps me on the shoulder that I stop.

When I do I feel the effects hit me like a truck my legs feel like jelly, my arms are aching, my back feels like it's been stomped on and my head feels like it's spinning.

"Hey wow you ok?" A worried voice asks reminding me why I stopped in the first place. "Sit down sweetheart" at the use of the nickname I recognise it as Steve's voice.

He helps me sit on the floor my back leaning against another piece of equipment. I feel a water bottle against my lips and take a small sip then just sit with my head against the wall trying to steady the dizziness.

"That's it, you feeling any better now?" Steve says quietly while joining me on the floor.

"Y-yeh thank you" I answer in a shaky voice.

"Any time now what where you doing Jarvis told me you'd been in here for over 5 hours and that you were showing signs of exhaustion"

You sigh and look at him and when you do your met with his concerned face. He already knows about the insomnia so there's no point lying to him. "My insomnias been really bad lately and I just can't seem to be tired enough to fall asleep"

"Oh sweetheart why didn't you tell me" his expression softens and he pulls you into a loving hug.

"I'm so tired Steve" you murmured into his chest trying not to cry.

"Your ok, you'll be just fine" he cooed into your ear while you began losing the battle against your tears them now falling down your face.

Third Person POV

"Y/n? You ok!?" Another voice sounded from the other side of the training room causing both of them to look up. It was Bucky. Both him and Steve were like brothers to y/n and she loved them more than anything.

They supported her and she supported them especially when they told y/n that they had feelings for each other.

Steve shook his head ever so slightly causing Bucky to rush over and hug the girl from the other side and not long after she was sobbing while being comforted by her two super soldier friends.

Steve had quietly explained to Bucky what was wrong and that just made him even more sorry for her. They knew how much it effected her and they'd tried so many things to help the girl sleep but nothing worked.

"I thought you said Clint had made it easier to sleep?" Bucky asked softly, after she'd calmed down a bit.

She sniffles slightly before answering "he did at first but like most things that help it didn't last long" y/n smiled sadly at the boys.

"You want to come snuggle with us in bed for a bit maybe then you'll be able to fall asleep?" Steve suggested. Even though she knew it wouldn't work she gave in mostly because she knew how sad it made them seeing her like this.

Sure enough they'd been laying there for two hours now both the boys fell asleep with an arm around y/n while she lay in the middle wide awake.

She was sucked right into her thoughts like she was most nights when she couldn't sleep but it was interrupted by a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in" y/n whispered carful not to wake the men.

Clints face then popped round the corner "hey baby you ok? Jarvis said you were in here" he chuckled lightly at seeing Steve and Bucky sprawled across you.

"Yeh as you can see kinda trapped" she laughed along.

"Yep can definitely see that" he replied trying not to laugh even more.

"I'll be down in a minute" she replied while carefully peeling Buckys arm off her.

Clint just shook his head while smiling and left the room. About ten minutes later y/n was cuddled up with Clint in their shared bed once again trying to go to sleep once again.

Her head was clouded with so many thoughts it was making it impossible.

"Hey can I ask you something" Clints tired voice came from behind her head.

Turning slightly off his chest to look at him she nodded.

"Why don't you sleep?"

At this she was in shock her small smile immediately dropped and she just stared at him.

"W-what?" She managed to whisper.

"I just I notice how little you sleep yet your always in the gym and keeping busy it just makes no sense to me" he was very careful with the words he chose not trying to seem rude.

Y/n settled back into his chest not wanting to look him in the eyes. "I-I have insomnia" she muttered.

"What?" He asked not hearing her.

"I have insomnia" she repeated glancing up at him, Clint was looking at her in confusion. "Seriously?"

"Yeh ever since I was 14 I've had anxiety and part of that being really bad insomnia I struggle to sleep most nights" she smiled weekly bitting back tears.

"Babe why did you tell me?" He asked softly pulling y/n close to him.

"I didn't want to worry you" she said tears pooling in her eyes.

"Of course I would be worried but it's my job to look after you what can I do to help?" He spoke softly kissing the top of her head.

"Just hold me" she mumbled feeling better that she told him.

Sorry endings kinda bad but oh well, also might be slow updates this weekend just got a lot on.

Thank you so so so much for all the reads I appreciate it more than you know.

Vote and leave suggestions :)🤍x

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