Pool day

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The avengers 🌈

You were like an adopted daughter to all the avengers. They had found you in a HYDRA base when you were 6 and had taken you in and raised you.

You were now 18 it had been your birthday a month ago and everyone was having a pool day today.
You went up to your room and picked out a bikini Nat had got you for your birthday even though Steve and Tony had said you couldn't wear it because it was to 'revealing'.

————————————————————————You went up to your room and picked out a bikini Nat had got you for your birthday even though Steve and Tony had said you couldn't wear it because it was to 'revealing'

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Your outfit

You tied your hair into a pony tail and smiled.

You had a nice tan because it was near the end of the summer and the colour of your bikini made it look darker. You were also smiling because you were in love with the tattoo you had gotten the day after your birthday.

 You were also smiling because you were in love with the tattoo you had gotten the day after your birthday

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Your tattoo

None of the avengers knew about it yet but they were about to find out.

Before leaving your room you grabbed a purple shirt and threw it on holding it shut so no one could see it yet.

You then went bouncing down the stairs almost bumping into Bucky who was passing by.

"Wow careful there doll what you up to?" He laughed but then eyed you suspiciously.

You were desperate to tell someone so you though he would be one of the best to tell first.

"I have a secret" you whispered.


You then opened your shirt and moved it out the way so he could see.

He gasped then started laughing "Steve is going to fucking kill you"

You slapped his arm "hey he might not be that bad I mean I'm eighteen now"

"Yeh sure" he said while walking away still laughing.

You huffed you knew Steve in particular would be mad but he'd find out at some point. You then closed your shirt again and walked outside were everyone else was in the pool.

"There you are we were starting to think you'd got lost" Wanda said.

"Nope" you laughed nervously "right here"

"You coming in or you just going to watch us" Tony asked. He then turned back to the others and continued his conversation.

You quickly grabbed a couple of shots of the table and took them to ease your nerves a little.

"Yeh about that I have something to tell you guys but you have to promise not to be mad" out the corner of your eye you could see Bucky smirking at you sipping his beer.

Everyone turned to you.

"What is it?" Sam asked.

You cleared your throat slightly "promise not to be mad"

"What is it y/n" Steve asked already slightly irritated because he knew it wouldn't be good.

You the opened your shirt revealing the tattoo.

Sam, Peter, pietro and Bucky burst out laughing, Nat and Wanda gasped slightly Thor just looked confused and Bruce looked concerned. Where as Tony and Steve sat in shock for a couple of second.

"What the hell is that" Tony said in a quiet angry voice.

"It's uh a tattoo" you whispered and looked at the ground.

"What's a tattoo?" Thor asked still confused however nobody answered him.

"Are you kidding?" Steve asked in the same voice as Tony.

"No it- it's real" you avoided there eyes knowing they were mad.

Everyone went quiet the boys in the corner trying not to laugh were as everyone else was concerned for your safety.

Then the shouting came from Steve and Tony.

"YOU GOT A TATTOO?!" Steve yelled






You just kept looking at the ground. "It's not a joke" you mumbled.

"We are very disappointed in you y/n" they both said at the same time.

"Sorry" you whispered.

"I think it looks sick" Nat piped up smirking this earned glared from both the boys.

You giggled a little bit then stoped when both men went back to glaring at you.

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