What happens at midnight

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Natasha Romanoff🕷
Slight Smut ( fxf )

You and Natasha had an agreement during the day you would act like just friends nothing more but every other night at midnight you would go to one of your rooms and be more than friends.
It had been over two weeks since you and Nat had had some midnight fun and you were frustrated yet she seemed unbothered.

Every time you would be alone with her she would make up an excuse to leave not giving you a chance to talk.

You couldn't understand why had you done something wrong, why wasn't she even talking to you?

It was now 8:00 o'clock and everyone was gathered at the dinner table eating pasta that Pepper had cooked.

"So what's the latest gossip?" Tony asked shoving another fork full into his mouth.

Peter started rambling on about a girl and some of the others pitched in but you just glared at Nat from your end of the table.

Today you were very horny your only vibrater was in Nat's room you had tried twice with your fingers already but just couldn't do it.

"Wow chika why'd you look like your about to bite Nat's head off" Sam said from beside you elbowing your arm.

He was the only one who knew about your agreement not through choice but he'd found out a while ago when you forgot to sound proof your bedroom. His room was right next to yours so he heard everything.

You didn't mind to much he was your best friend so you knew he wouldn't tell and if he did he'd have a scary ex-assassin to answer too.

"16 days 16 whole days and she won't even talk to me what the fuck?" You said quietly to him but still glaring at Nat.

"Seriously that long damn" he whispered back glancing at her.

"Sam I fucking can't I'm so horny" you complained.

"Just go somewhere she can't run away then talk about it there must be a reason" he suggested.

"Well how am I supposed to do that?" You asked snapping at him a little.

"Chill out just I don't know go to her room and lock the door" to be fair it was pretty good idea but you didn't want to admit it right now.

You just shrugged and shoved more pasta in your mouth.

After dinner you offered to help clean up instead of Bucky and Steve even though it was their turn.

Anything to get your mind of the need for Nat.
Once you'd cleaned the table and washed the dishes it was around 10:15 you could hear people in the living room chatting and watching something so you decided to go join them.

Turns out most of the team were there watching a movie Sam had suggested but there was now a heated argument happening because apparently it wasn't child friendly for peter.

"He's 15 years old this is basically porn" Tony shouted at Sam.

"Like the kid hasn't watched porn before" Sam scoffed.

"I-I'll just leave Mr Stark" Peter said with bright red cheeks shifting uncomfortably.

"No Pete stay" Tony said then turned back to Sam but you zoned out a little from there conversation and looked around the room.

Bucky and Steve where sitting on a sofa with Wanda Buckys arm around her. Bruce and Thor were sitting on separate arm chairs across the room. Sam was sitting on another small sofa with you to his left and Clint to his right. Tony Pepper and Peter were sitting on the big sofa Pietro was also sitting with them but he came over and sat on the arm chair next to you. You barely noticed he had started talking all you were thinking about was where's Nat?

"What you thinking about? A thick sokovian accent said.

You hummed "nothing"

"Somethings on your mind, what's up?"

Pietro was another one of your close friends, ever since him and Wanda came to the tower you too had gotten along very well although he didn't know you were having an affair with Nat. He could also always tell when something was wrong so there was no reason lying to him.

"Someone's ignoring me" you said quietly to him.

"Oh and why's that?" He asked.

"Honestly? I have no clue" you said sighing.

"Don't worry princessas I'm sure they'll come around" he smiled.

You smiled back even though it wasn't real then turned your attention to the tv. You were now watching finding Nemo much to Sams dismay.

You sat with them until the movie was almost finished but left twenty minutes before it did so no one saw you going to Nats room.

Walking down the corridor you could feel the seam of your shorts rubbing against your heat and that alone was making you need her.

Arriving at her door you knocked three times

Knock knock knock

There was some shuffling around then her door clicked and she peaked out.

"Yeh?" She said in a monotone.

"Yeh?! Yeh!" You half shouted at her. "Are you kidding me?! 16 fucking days it's been! Why are you ignoring me?" You said shouting a little.

"Jesus keep your voice down" Nat hushed opening the door for you to come in.

You walked in and stood with your arms crossed facing her.

She just ignored you were there and sat on her bed continuing to scroll on her phone.

Nats POV

Truth was the reason I was ignoring y/n was because I wanted her to get desperate.

Purposely  I had taken her vibrator and brush with a rounded handle even the electric tooth brush charger.

I took everything in y/n room she could pleasure herself with and then simply ignored her.

I like it when she's mad.

I want us both to have some really hot sex but I  need y/n to be frustrated for it to be amazing.

Back to third person
"So are you going to explain to me why you left me high and dry for 16 FUCKING DAYS?!" You shouted at her.

She just shrugged "your really hot when your pissed"

Your jaw dropped. "Are you kidding? So all this time I thought you were mad at me but you just wanted me mad at you?!"

She just smirked "what's wrong baby do you not like that?"

"Fucking bitch" you walked over and straddled her legs your heat on her knee.

She looked at you and bit her lip when you started to rub along her knee.

You moaned at feeling friction on your throbbing pussy.

"Come here" Nat said in a low voice motioning for you to come.

You smirked and leaned over her pressing your lips to hers.
Part 2?
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