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Peter Parker🕸

Quick disclaimer I don't really know much about cystic fibrosis I've seen five feet apart and decided that that would be the thing she had but I didn't feel like doing any major research so sorry if somethings are wrong :)

"Hey! Liz wait up!" Peter called down the haul causing the girl to spin around. They'd broken up almost 8 months ago but were still really close friends. The ex couple would study together or just hang out most friday nights.

"hey Peter what's up?" She smiled while stopping to face him.

"is it ok if we maybe study at your place instead because May's having some friends over and i don't want to bother her?" He asked hopefully, even though he'd never been in Liz's house before except to pick her up for prom last year he presumed it would be fine.

"um- yeh sure I'll ask, but right now I gotta get to class so I'll text you later ok?" She replied a little hesitant.

"sure see you later maybe" he smiled and walked away to his 4th period class.
Walking out of his last class off the day Peter checked his phone to see he had a few messages.
Dad says it's fine if we study at my place just meet out front of school later x

Aunt May
Sorry you had to cancel your plans Pete if anything changes let me know :)

Peter quickly typed out a reply too May then went out to see if Liz was waiting for him and sure enough she was standing next to the gates looking at her phone very intently.

Walking up to her he smiled "heyy" although she wasn't really paying attention and jumped at the sound of a voice.

"Oh god sorry I didn't mean to scare you"

"It's ok c'mon let's go" she said laughing lightly and quickly shoving her phone away.
Once they got to Liz's house her mum got them some sandwiches and juice and brought it upstairs for them.

They then sat and ate for a while making light conversation and not doing much studying.

At around 7:00pm her mum shouted that her and her dad were going out for dinner but there was money downstairs to order pizza if they were still hungry.

"So got any exciting plans for this weekend?" Liz asked taking a big bite out of her slice of cheese pizza, that they had ordered not long after her mum left.

"Not really Ned is still bugging me about building his Lego Death Star with him but other than that not much what abo-" peter started replying but got cut of by a knock on the door then it getting swung open.

"Liz mum said that you where ordering din-" the girl in door paused mid sentence when she saw a boy sprawled across her sisters bed.

"Hey Addie what's up?" Liz smiled even though inside she was a little nervous. It wasn't exactly a secret she had a sister but she didn't want it to be well known either especially because her sister was sick.

Not just a little sick she was really sick. When Addison was born she was 4 months pre-mature  making it really tough for her to breath and function so she was on a ventilator and in an incubator for the first 7 months of her life. Eventually they got her in a little better shape and moved her so she just needed an oxygen tank to breath. When she was around 8 months old the doctors realised her immune system was almost 60% less effective then a normal human so this ment she could get ill easily. When she was 18 months old her parents took her to the doctors because she had been sick for over a week and that's when they found out she had cystic fibrosis.

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