Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"Anything thing to drink?" the waitress asked, setting down their menus. "Coffee, water, lemon water, juices, fizzy drinks?"

"Water for me."

"Me as well, please." She left, and the two started flipping through the menu. "So, Remus..." Severus started. "I..."

"Yes, Sevvie?"

"I like this. Everything. When we danced." He smiled. "It's nice."

"We can do this more often, you know," Remus replied. "Once a week, twice a month. I don't think Harry would mind, he likes Thomas."

"I'd like that. As much as I love Harry, I like it when it's just the two of us." He took a sip of his water. "I like it when I'm with you."

"I like it when it's just us, too... So... When I move in with you, we'll... We'll share a room, right? I mean, if you don't want us to, that's fine I just figured-"

"I want to. That's what I had thought. If you don't-"

"No!" Remus exclaimed. "No, no, I just... I didn't know. I... I want to as well. I like not being alone at night." He chuckled. "That sounds childish, doesn't it?"

"I don't think so," Severus replied honestly. "I feel the same way, if I'm being honest. And, what's the point of having separate rooms, anyway? You've basically moved in already. Oh, I found that sweater you were looking for. It was under the bed."

"And you stole it, didn't you?" Remus chuckled. 

"Well, stole is a strong word... More like borrowed without asking?"

The werewolf laughed. "Because they're oh-so different, huh?"

"Yes, very!"


"Tonight was fun," Severus said as he took out his ponytail. "Are you going to come with to get HArry, or would you like to stay here?"

"I'll come with. It's not like it's far away or anything."

The two left with a goodbye from Salazar (aka he started whistling 'Here Comes The Bride' very off-key, which made both of them laugh), and started walking to Professor McGonagall's office. 

"Are you going to tell Harry tonight?" Remus asked. "About me moving in with the two of you?"

"Tomorrow. He's probably tired after playing with Thomas. I'll bet McGonagall was her animagus form the entire time so he could play with a cat."

Most of the walk was in silence from then on, besides a few questions or comments or pointing out Peeves spreading oil all over one of the stairways (thankfully not the one they had to use).

"Think he'll want to sleep with us tonight?" Remus asked as they neared her office.

"Honestly, I hope not," Sev replied. "Is that mean?"

"No, I don't think so." Remus knocked on the door to McGonagall's office, which opened a moment later. "Hello, Minerva."

"Hello, Remus. Come on in, Thomas is reading to Harry."

The two walked in and saw an adorable sight: Harry was leaning against Thomas, half asleep, as the teen read to him with an arm around him.

"Remus, why don't you get Harry ready. Severus, a word?"

"Minerva, what-"

"Harry saw a boggart today," she interrupted. "It was only for a moment, it could barely do anything. But I just thought you might want to know what it was. I'll say it myself, I was surprised."

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