I stood outside of the door listening to my other friends, jackie (our empire star), sam, and micheal (misionary of war and bsf^^ love him so much)  and of course my husband the majesty, our empire's sun; amor. I stood there for while.

    "ready?" i said to my bodyguard his beautiful brown eyes was filled with confusion as always. "okay let's go." i nodded to the maids Who was standing outside of the doors. they opened the door.

   Amor, as always, was talking about a new plan mostly about change but who am i to comment. i rolled my eyes and sat by jackie. Jackie is smol, and every since highschool have been so kind-hearted and sweet she was truly a friend at times she was appointed as the head of pediatric wealthiness. Micheal noticed me, as quiet as i was compare to Amor, he smiled. i smiled back and looked at the packet infront of me. "well..caltin our beloved Queen what do you have to say about this looking as gorgeous as ever?" of course Im the peace keeper appointed as the head of warfare and defense. "Flattery gets you no where."

    one im the oldest, two Im libra , not important but still go with it, third I've always found away for everyone to get what they want without losing anything too much. i glared at Amor, who looked stupidly back at me, who've just noticed i was there. He grinned a bit. Jackie turned her head from amor. "well i think we should considerate it but not at this moment Micheal, it's so early in the morning and we do have the campaign for community development and the new draft for my understudy." Can't escape such stupidity from my own husband. of course im not going to side with Amor's narcissistic Ego right now, let alone give him reason to be more narcissist. Sam looked at me and amor than back at me. Sam really shouldn't be in the meeting as the head of entertainment. He shook his head.

    Jackie gave a agreeing head nod as well as sam. "so it's settled, not right now but this particular asignment will be postponed." Micheal concluded. I stood up. "well if you don't need me i'll take my leave." I Annocounced. I happen to look at Amor. Those sad greyish blue eyes begging me to take back my words. I rolled my eyes.

im not falling for that again. "Caitlan where are you going?" Amor asked with a demanding tone. Legally I can't not answer him but i also have the power to not directly tell him. "I'm visiting MY mothers than I'll be going by the newly opened orphanage to show imperial support, your highness now take my dick out your mouth cause you're drooling" I said. Jackie and Micheal laughed.

"you WILL take the guard with you this time." i shook my head. "There's no need for that I have things to do it will only get in my way."
     "I wasn't asking" He said."your majesty!"

    "Now, I'm your majesty, I guess it's better than jackass but I am not backing out of this you've been too weak lately, I'll see you at dinner" five words that seems loving but it's a quiet way of saying "Dont test me."

    I nodded. I accused myself "I hate to see her go, but I love to see her leavr."  i stood outside of the door."so I brought in some candidates for her harem and she still hasn't slept with any of them, I can't have her to be asexual." Amor said. "Maybe she needs time to get use to it all." Jackie suggested.

"But what if she's infertile? I heard you can be rough." Said Micheal. "We haven't...." The room went silent

We can't because I'll kill him as an immortal myself humans can't take intercourse without the nightshade exiclar, and I don't know how to make it so we have to wait. 

       I walked back to my room and changed my clothes. I  was dressed in a purple silk dress it exposed my shoulders with angel sleeves. I looked at my bodyguard who was wearing a black polo, and black ripped jeans with white sneakers. i gave him a thumbs up for effort. I looked in the mirror my shoulders the scar is still there though my healing is magnificent, stared as if looking would make them go away.

the emperor's Mistress حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن