The table was already packed when mewgulf came. It's like they were late.

Some of the family members greeted gulf and some of them did not even knowledge him. They just went on with their talks and eating.  His step-mother who sat at the top chair of the table gave him an acknowledged nod when she saw them.

Mewgulf seated at the end of the table as Jasmine sat beside gulf and served them food. She sat there chatting with gulf. Mew looked like he wanted to get over it already. 

Gulf did not tell him about the staying night over yet.

Soon the dinner was over and guests hugged the host's family goodbye before walking away.

"You wanna come in?"  Gulf's stepmother asked pointing the backdoor as the last guest walked away towards the exit.

Gulf shrugged standing up leaving the food on the table. Mew followed them leaving his untouched food.

"We need to talk, "  His step-mother said once they were in the house.

"I am aware" Gulf replied with I bothered expression that he learned from mew.

"Alone," she said looking at mew and quickly turning away. Like she is almost scared.

Gulf almost smirked at that scared expression. Mew can be a killer, he doesn't care if that scares his step-mother.

"It will not take a long time. " She pressed.

"Jess will keep him company until then"  She offered.

Gulf almost laughed at that.

"I will not trust Jess within 6 feet near mew. No thanks " Gulf said with a snort like it was very obvious.

"Ok...Jess with come with us. Mew can keep himself company for a few minutes."  She said fastly. Like she wants to talk gulf as soon as possible. As she is waiting for this talk.

Finally, gulf nodded and walked with her to the study room near the stairs. Jess followed them behind.

They sat on the couch with Jess & gulf in the large one and his step-mother on the single couch. There is a file placed on the little table that was placed in front of the couch.

"What is it?" Gulf asked leaning back into the couch with crossed arms.

"I will cut the chase...These papers are the property division between you, three children of Robert" She said pointing at the files.

"Three? Jess is not my brother. He doesn't have kanawut's blood in his " Gulf pointed out.

His step-mother gritted her teeth at those words.

"Robert adopted him and changed his
last name to kanawut when I married him " She replied her jaw set tight.

"Ohh...Good for you, Jess " Gulf said in a playful voice. 

Jess did not respond. But his step-mother looked like she was about the break the hell from every word coming from his mouth.

"So...This is the reason behind your call and being a civil thing. " Gulf asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," she did not even blink before accepting.

"I am not even surprised. I know I can't trust you." Gulf replied.

"I wanted to be civil and all. Make you sign your share to Jess&Jasmine," she accepted them like it's nothing serious.

Maybe she is used to her shitty self too. Gulf thought.

"What changed your mind?"  Gulf asked curiously.

She did not reply. She kept silent. The silence is getting on gulf nerves. Then jess replied.

"We need to complete our studies before we take over the dad's company. But the shareholders want you to take over as you are a real son. As you know, She doesn't want you anywhere near the company. So, Decided to shade the properties then you can't take over the whole company  " Jess explained earning a glare from his mom.

She looked like she was about to kill her own son. But she kept quiet knowing there would be no way Jess can take back what he said.

"But you get the same shares as me if you do that " gulf said looking at both of them like they were stupid.

Jess was about to open his mouth again. But his step-mother stopped him this time with an angry look followed by

"Shut up, Jess," She said with a warning look.

"She will make Jasmine write her shares to me. So, I can get more shares than you. Then the one who is gonna take over the company will be me" Jess replied brushing off his mother's warning look.  That woman became angrier at this.

"That's not fair for Jasmine!" Gulf exclaimed.

"It's not like we are throwing her away from the home. We will give her shares back when he gets older or maybe mom will make sure to marry off her to someone rich"  Jess spoke the last sentence looking at her mother challenging.

"Jess.What the fuck is wrong with you! I am your mother! You don't say things like that on me!"   She shouted.

"Wait what...So, This is why she wanted you to marry off to mew." Gulf asked as his bulb glowed.

"Yup. She knows dad will let you take over the company no matter what. So, she wanted me to marry off someone rich. Like mew...." Jess elaborated.

"You are such a bitch." Gulf looked at her disgustingly.

"Hey! Don't call my mother that!" Jess shouted from his side.

"Shut up" gulf snapped.

"So...What do you say at the end?"  Gulf asked.

"You sign the papers, take your share and go. Never come back " His stepmother said like he wishes to stay here.

"If you forgot, I was the one who went away from your lives. I have no wish to stay here, with you all. Now, dad is not alive. I don't have any reason for that " Gulf snapped. 

"Well...Thats good then " She replied with a stern look.

"But I can't make these decisions myself. I need to talk to mew. " Gulf said and brought his phone out from his pocket to text mew.

Mew walked inside the room within a minute.

Jess quickly shot up from beside gulf at the presence of mew. Mew walked to gulf and took Jess place.

Gulf explained him everything.


Ok. Gonna stop it here

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Guys! I wrote 6 chapters of my new short story today.

Its called "The Ex-husband "

I will let you know more about it. It's a mewgulf FF too.

Suddenly Married [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora