My world was collapsing and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive.

She whimpered and passed out.

I did too.

I woke up as we heard police sirens.

"Star." I shouted at her, she didn't stir. My chest constricted.

"Star. Wake up.



She finally opened her eyes. A man I had never seen, came inside the room and untied us. I didn't even grace him with a look as I quickly picked up Star from the ground.

The man told us to run as he walked away in the opposite room. I told Star to go. She clutched my arm. Hard.

We were going to run when I watched her stumble. Anger rose in me and I went back inside.
Hamid was standing away from us when I saw a gun on the ground. He was shouting at someone on the phone, with his back to us. I looked back at Alizeh as flashes of her tears passed on my face.

"Ace. Let's go."

"Ace." She whispered.

I picked up the gun. Alizeh stilled.

"What is wrong with you? Ace. DON'T. "

I had only held a gun twice in my life.

My hands shivered as I aimed for his heart. Alizeh pulled my arm as I shot. Pain ricochetted back on my entire hand. I heard Hamid shout in pain.
I had shot his thigh. 

I stared at him.

Listen to the chaos

Brewing in your head

This, my dirty old man

Is how your story will end


Alizeh looked at me shocked. Horrified.
His son came rushing behind us. He punched my face.

"You bastard." He shouted as he snatched the gun from my hands. I pushed him back with all my strength. He was at least three inches taller than me.
"Isaac, look behind you." Hamid shouted.

Before he could turn, Star came behind him and stabbed his shoulder with a knife. She looked at me.
Shocked. Unmoving. Frozen.

"Let's go before someone comes." I said softly as I grabbed her hand.

We both ran out with blood on her hands, bodies and our clothes.

A police van drove towards us as a man rushed out. Star passed out in my arms.
I didn't let anyone touch her.

"Sir please cooperate. We need to check her." A lady police officer tried touching her neck.

"NO." I shouted as I clutched her closer.

"Ace" I looked at Star, her eyes were shut but she just kept murmuring my name.

They looked at us scrutinisingly, nodded their heads like I needed their approval and told us to sit inside the van.
Both our blood covered the entire seat as I made Star sit on my lap.
She breathed into my neck and said "I am not weak."
No shit, you are not.
"Shhh" I said.
And then everything went black.

I woke up in a dingy room with dim lights and searched around for Star. I saw her beside my bed, looking at the ceiling and stared at her, waiting for her to look back. She didn't.

Our parents enter the room, create a ruckus as Star blinked through it all.

We knew, we could never be the same.

Flashback ends

I go to school for two days. Bury myself in football. Give her time to rethink.

She doesn't.

I can recognise the sound of her running away from me like it is my first language. And I had always vowed to never stop doing the chasing.

I finally pick my phone and do what I have been wanting to do the very second she left. Of course there is a tracker on her phone, in her car, on her iPad, mac and everyone fucking electronic device she could possibly own. And of course she doesn't know about it.

When I open the tracking app I realise she does. Now. Fuck.
The last signal is around our area. Shit, she switched it off. I hate how aware she is.
But that's what makes the chase so much more fun.

Millie keeps asking me where she is. I tell her she has gone for a camp from school.
She will come back.
There is no way she would jeopardise her college future over this.
She is waiting. For me.

I get a call around two hours later from Kabir telling me our guys have found her, one hour away from the city.

There is no fucking way, she can be found so easily if she didn't want herself to.
I pick up her car keys and drive.

Guys please tell me how you like it?? Any type of criticism is welcome!

Okay I have my summer vacations so I am super excited.

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